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Thus -mi- in the beginning of many of the older inscriptions is certainly emi , eimi , and the genitive form of consonantal stems veneruf -rafuvuf-is exactly reproduced in old Latin, corresponding to the old Sanscrit termination -as.

Otherwise, entheos eimi contains everything, for the man who was only common clay before his inspiration, and will be common clay when it departs, feels, for the time, as if a god had descended, and was within him.

* Sundulos sou gar eimi, xai ton adelphon sou ton prophaton. Doct. Doddridge in his notes on this passage observes, that it may be rendered I am thy fellow servant and the fellow servant of thy brethren the prophets. But the translation in the Bible is perfectly literal. The sentence is elliptical. The elipsis may as well be filled by tis, as by sundoulos.

When he shouted a challenge, I replied, Erastes eimi, which means, I am sorry to say, "I am a lover," and implied that I, also, had been engaged in low intrigue. "Farewell, with good fortune," he replied, and went on his way, singing some catch about Amaryllis, who, I presume, was the object of his unhallowed attentions.

Thus -mi- in the beginning of many of the older inscriptions is certainly emi , eimi , and the genitive form of consonantal stems veneruf -rafuvuf-is exactly reproduced in old Latin, corresponding to the old Sanscrit termination -as.

"All the same, that which is written under inspiration is the only stuff worth reading. The Greeks expressed the peculiar feeling that a man has when his inspiration comes upon him by the phrase, entheos eimi, and we can hardly find a better one, only unfortunately we don't believe in gods.

Thus from chu limpid, are formed doichu more limpid, and muliu most limpid. There are no diminutives or augmentatives, which are supplied by means of the adjectives picki little, and buta great. Diminutives are also formed by changing a harsh sound into one more liquid; as votun son, to vochiun little son. The primitive pronouns are inche I, eimi you, teye which, &c.