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In the eighteenth century cultivated people did little else but talk. Morning, noon and night, their epigrammatic tongues were busy. Conversation in historic salons became a fine art. There are no such literary coteries in our time. What with one excitement and another, the Parisian world chats but has no time for real conversation.

Tibbs, who, being prevailed upon to sing, not only distracted the nerves of her listeners, but prolonged her melody to such an extent that the widow was robbed of a sight of the water-works. No account of Vauxhall however brief should overlook the attractions the place had to the sentimental young lady of the late eighteenth century.

It's very weird indeed. He made the eighteenth. I could not see the pony at all; but from the swaying and heaving of that heap of men I knew that there was something alive inside. From the wharf Almayer hailed in quavering tones: "Oh, I say!"

In the eighteenth century the frontier was the home of a primitive radicalism.

The law of apprenticeship ran thus: Negro children under eighteen, orphans or receiving no support from their parents, to be apprenticed, by clerk of probate court, to some suitable person, by preference the former master or mistress; the court to fix the terms, having the interest of the minor particularly in view; males to be apprenticed till end of twenty-first year, females to end of eighteenth.

The costume is exactly the same as that worn by Edward, "the Boy King," who founded the school; and these youngsters, like the birds, never grow old. You lean against the high iron fence, and looking through the bars watch the boys frolic and play, just as visitors looked in the Eighteenth Century; and I've never been by Christ's Hospital yet when curious people did not stand and stare.

"Well, that you may not have time to make too great preparations, and put us to shame by the splendor of your fête, we will allow you but a short respite. To-day is Wednesday, the eighteenth of June, we therefore appoint Sunday, the twenty-second of June, for your festival." "Be it then on Sunday, a sunny day truly for me and for my house," cried Count Schwarzenberg.

This was the ignominious death of Heliogaba'lus, in the eighteenth year of his age, after a detestable reign of four years. Questions for Examination. Who succeeded Didius Julianus? What was the character of Severus? By what means did he strengthen his power? What were his first acts? To whom did he commit the government in his absence? What were his exploits?

And really they were confronted by the eighteenth century in the very hall, with its low bluish screens, ornamented with black silhouettes cut out of paper, of powdered ladies and gentlemen. Silhouettes, first introduced by Lavater, were much in vogue in the eighties of last century.

Paul's Parish, South Carolina, was reported before the close of the eighteenth century to have two hundred slaves as well as a white wife and son-in-law, and the returns of the first federal census appear to corroborate it. In Louisiana colored planters on a considerable scale became fairly numerous.