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The insurgents, who at no time exceeded eight hundred in all, were routed at their headquarters. Rolph had previously thought it prudent to fly, and Mackenzie soon followed. Several lives were lost during this émeute, for it was hardly more, and a considerable number of prisoners taken.

In short, the sentinels saw him one midnight going armed into my apartment, and seized him, and informed the raja of the circumstance. Since their confinement I go there every eight days, and let them down eight days' provisions at once.

Eight merchant schooners were at Ogdensburg, being converted into American war vessels, and, immediately after being repulsed at Sackett's Harbor, two of the British armed vessels started to Ogdensburg to destroy them. The American schooner Julia was armed and, with sixty volunteers from the Oneida and Fernando's company of riflemen in a boat, set out to overtake the British.

When I have established a pair of well-pronounced feathering- calluses on my thumbs, when I am in training so that I can do my fifteen miles at a stretch without coming to grief in any way, when I can perform my mile in eight minutes or a little less, then I feel as if I had old Time's head in chancery, and could give it to him at my leisure. I do not deny the attraction of walking.

Though the deaths were one thousand eight hundred and seventeen more than were killed at the battle of Shiloh this left the number in the prison at the end of the month thirty-one thousand six hundred and seventy-eight.

But seven or eight boys would go hunting with one shot-gun, and take turn-about shooting; some of the little fellows never got to shoot at all, but they could run and see whether the big boys had hit anything when they fired, and that was something.

Then the painters will take another four days, I should say, perhaps five, as the bulwarks and all the paint on deck must be done." "That makes eight days' work, Mr. Timmins. I suppose we cannot set the painters at work until the carpenters are done?" The mate shook his head. "Decidedly not, if the paint is to be worth looking at, sir.

The result of abandoning the differential proved to be the best possible demonstration of its value. Under straight piece work, the output immediately fell to between six and eight pieces per day, and remained at this figure for several years, although under the differential rate it had held throughout a long term of years steadily at ten per day.

There does not seem to be much work doing here, for I only saw one ship lying at anchor, and none on the stocks. About eight leagues beyond Horten a mountain rises in the middle of the sea, and divides it into two streams, uniting again beyond it, and forming a pretty view. We did not see Christiania till we were only ten leagues from it.

Martin's rising to a daring height above one of the most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in the Netherlands; this seat of the Anglo-Saxon Willebrord, who eight hundred years before had preached Christianity to the Frisians, and had founded that long line of hard-fighting, indomitable bishops, obstinately contesting for centuries the possession of the swamps and pastures about them with counts, kings, and emperors, was still worthy of its history and its position.