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The details arrived at were that Shen Heng should deliver to Lin eight-hundred and seventy-five taels against the return of the robe. He would also press upon that person a silk purse with an onyx clasp, containing twenty-five taels, as a deliberate mark of his individual appreciation and quite apart from anything to do with the transaction on hand.

That evidently meant yacht, and might stand for anything from an eight-hundred ton steamer downwards. The more I puzzled over his identity the less hope I seemed to have of guessing it. At last he woke, yawned, stretched, and sat up. Then he looked at me and whistled. Then, "Slidey Methuen, by all that's odd! Fancy stumbling across you here!"

"'Bout a thousand pounds for the biggest game fishes, them's black sea-bass," the man answered; "leastways there was an eight-hundred pounder brought in, and lots of us have seen bigger ones." "But how can they catch fishes that size on a little bit of a spindling rod and a line so fine you can hardly see it?" "They don't," was the reply, "not that big.

Tonson; but he disowned it, and told him it was written by an ingenious young gentleman, named Maynwaring, then about twenty two years of age. Our author studied the law till he was five or six and twenty years old, about which time his father died, and left him an estate of near eight-hundred pounds a year, but so incumbred, that the interest money amounted to almost as much as the revenue.

"Pressure up to seven ninety-six, sir," he called. "Stand by to fire all rockets!" roared Connel. "Make it good, you Venusian clunk," yelled Roger. "Seven ninety-nine, sir!" bellowed Astro. Astro watched the gauge of the pressure creep slowly toward the eight-hundred mark. In all his experience he had never seen it above seven hundred.

Then the "eight-hundred myriad" Kami laugh in unison, so that the "plain of high heaven" shakes with the sound, and the Sun goddess, surprised that such gaiety should prevail in her absence, looks out from the cave to ascertain the cause.

Instead of one heavy engine, he ordered two, each of forty-horse power to work on the same shaft, to be supplied by six thirty-horse-power boilers to be set in two batteries. He ordered also one six-inch and one four-inch steam pump, with the necessary boilers, and besides, a donkey hoisting engine, good for an eight-hundred hoist.

Shinny, too, his merry eyes shining bright, watched the needle jerk back and forth and finally reach the eight-hundred mark. "Eight hundred, sir," bellowed Astro. "Fire all stern rockets!" roared Connel. Astro threw the switch. On the control board, Connel saw a red light flash on. He jammed the master switch down hard. It was the last thing he remembered. Tom stirred.