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"These are critical days there. The problems are worthy of your care. Will you not come?" Eglington was conscious of a peculiar persuasive influence over himself that he had never felt before. In proportion, however, as he felt its compelling quality, there came a jealousy of the man who was its cause.

Shall I have better judgment than the chancellories of Europe and England and Lord Eglington?" "Excellency, you know what moves other nations; but it is for Egypt to act for herself. You ask me why I did not go to the Effendina. I come to you because I know that you could circumvent the Effendina, even if he sent ten thousand men. It is the way in Egypt."

I've been silent, but not for your father's sake or yours, for he was as cruel as you, with no heart, and a conscience like a pin's head, not big enough for use. . . Ay, you shall know. You are no more the Earl of Eglington than me. "The Earl of Eglington is your elder brother, called David Claridge." As Soolsby's words poured forth passionately, weighty, Eglington listened like one in a dream.

That night Soolsby tapped at the door of the lighted laboratory of the Cloistered House where Lord Eglington was at work; opened it, peered in, and stepped inside. With a glass retort in his hand Eglington faced him. "What's this what do you want?" he demanded. "I want to try an experiment," answered Soolsby grimly.

They sat for a long time in silence, and at length Faith said: "Thee is happy now with her who is to marry Lord Eglington?" Kate nodded, smiling. "Who could help but be happy with her! Yet a temper, too so quick, and then all over in a second. Ah, she is one that'd break her heart if she was treated bad; but I'd be sorry for him that did it.

Hylda's reply had given her no hope that Eglington would keep the promise he had made that evening long ago when her father had come upon them by the old mill, and because of which promise she had forgiven Eglington so much that was hard to forgive. Hylda had spoken with sorrowful decision, and then this pause had come, in which Faith tried to gain composure and strength.

It is a miracle that Hamley should produce two such men," she added gaily, and laid her fan upon her husband's arm lightly. "You should have been a Quaker, Harry, and then you two would have been " "Two Quaker Don Quixotes," interrupted Eglington ironically. "I should not have called you a Don Quixote," his wife lightly rejoined, relieved at the turn things had taken.

A mist was before his eyes; but through the mist, though he saw nothing of this scene in which he now was, he saw the laboratory, and himself and Eglington, and Eglington's face as it peered at him, and, just before the voice called outside, Eglington's eyes fastened on his hand. It all flashed upon him now, and he saw himself starting back at the sound of the voice.

At the last he took off his hat, and lay with it in his hands, and died.... I am a Muslim, but the God of pity, of justice, and of right is my God; and in His name be it said that was a crime of Sheitan the accursed." In a low voice the chairman put the resolution. The Earl of Eglington voted in its favour.

Somewhat abashed and ill at ease, the Consul-General took it. "Have you good news from Downing Street?" asked David quietly. The Consul-General hesitated for an instant, and then said: "There is no help to be had for you or for what you are doing in that quarter." He lowered his voice. "I fear Lord Eglington does not favour you; and he controls the Foreign Minister. I am very sorry.