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Nevertheless, for further information the author would refer to the able articles published at Paris, by M. Mascart, in the Journal de Physique, in 1877 and 1878. The author would gladly have concluded this paper with a comparison of the efficiencies of the four systems which have been examined, or what amounts to the same thing with a comparison of the losses of power which they occasion.

Our next step was to post a daily record of the relative standing of the men in the machine room, putting the men who had the best record at the top of the list, in the order of their weekly average efficiencies. Some of the best and most skilled men had an efficiency of over 80 per cent, but quite a large percentage of them were down below 50 per cent.

Complete editions so-called of Balzac's works have fostered this belief by omitting the dramas; and it has remained for the present edition to include, for the first time, this valuable material, not alone for its own sake, but also in order to show the many-sided author as he was, in all his efficiencies and occasional deficiencies.

One of the most important results deduced from experiments on model screws is that they appear to have practically equal efficiencies throughout a wide range both in pitch ratio and in surface ratio; so that great latitude is left to the designer in regard to the form of the propeller.

"Germany could readily train her masses with a view to industrial efficiency, whereas our industrial efficiency is only one of the efficiencies we care about; the American wishes to develop in many other ways, and to have his educational system help him to do it." New York Times, Nov. 12, 1911. F. H. Streightoff, "The Standard of Living among the Industrial People of America."

In this we have three efficiencies to consider those of the furnace, the boiler, and the cylinder. First, with respect to the furnace. The object is to combine the carbon and the hydrogen of the coal with a sufficient quantity of the oxygen of the air to effect complete combustion into carbonic acid and water.

a fraction that may be reduced to the simple form if there is no leakage during the passage of the air, because in that cause p2 v2 = p1 v1. Lastly, if W1 is the net disposable force on the shaft of the compressed air motor, the efficiency of this engine will be, and the product of these three partial efficiencies is equal to W1/W, the general efficiency of the transmission.

In this case the general efficiency of transmission is the product of three partial efficiencies, which correspond exactly to those mentioned with regard to compressed air.

These efficiencies do not take any account of loss of heat before the boiler. In the case of the gas-engine, the question is much more complicated on account of the large clearance space and the early opening of the exhaust. If we multiply this by 0.37, as we did in the case of the steam-engine, we get 23.7 per cent., or approximately the same as that arrived at by direct experience.

By your sustainment of the rigid economies already inaugurated, with hoped-for extension of these economies and added efficiencies in administration, I believe further reductions may be enacted and hindering burdens abolished. In these urgent economies we shall be immensely assisted by the budget system for which you made provision in the extraordinary session. The first budget is before you.