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The two others also with heart and soul embraced the true faith, and the whole three became servants and disciples of the Cogia. Nasr Eddin Efendi one day placed three plums upon a great table and set out in order to carry them as a present to the Bey.

Whereupon the Cogia going softly up to him, said, 'Brother, don't take that thick thing; it is too short for a turban; you can't bring it to a point. One day an individual coming to the Cogia said, 'Something for my good news, Cogia Efendi. You have a son born to you. 'If I have a son born to me, said the Cogia, 'I owe thanks to God, but what do I owe to you?

As he entered the chamber but now, there flashed into his mind the scene six years ago when, an absolute stranger, he had stepped into this Eastern salon, and had heard his name called out to the great throng: "Claridge efendi!" He addressed no one, but he bowed to the group of foreign consuls- general, looking them steadily in the eyes.

The Cogia wrote, and his wife said, 'O Efendi of my soul, won't you read to me what you have written? Whereupon the Cogia read, 'Amongst the green leaves methinks I see a black hen go with a red bill. One day the Cogia being ill, a number of women came to inquire about his health.

One day a man came to the house of the Cogia and asked him to lend him his ass. 'He is not at home, replied the Cogia. But it so happened that the ass began to bray within. 'O Cogia Efendi, said the man, 'you say that the ass is not at home, and there he is braying within. 'What a strange fellow you are! said the Cogia. 'You believe the ass, but will not believe a grey-bearded man like me.

'You do wrong to belch, Cogia Moolah Efendi, said the Beys. 'I am amongst Curds, said the Cogia. 'How should they know a Turkish belching, even though they hear it? One day the Cogia went with Cheragh Ahmed to the den of a wolf, in order to see the cubs. Said the Cogia to Ahmed: 'Do you go in. Ahmed did so.

Cogia Efendi one day went into a garden, pulled up some carrots and turnips and other kinds of vegetables, which he found, putting some into a sack and some into his bosom; suddenly the gardener coming up, laid hold of him, and said, 'What are you seeking here? The Cogia, being in great consternation, not finding any other reply, answered, 'For some days past a great wind has been blowing, and that wind blew me hither. 'But who pulled up these vegetables? said the gardener.

One day Cogia Efendi led a cow to the market for sale; backwards and forwards he led it, but was unable to sell it; presently a man advancing to the Cogia, said, 'Why do you hold this cow in your hand without selling it? Said the Cogia, 'I have led it about since the morning, and notwithstanding all the fine things that I have said about it I have been unable to sell it. The individual taking the cow from the Cogia's hand, began to walk it about, exclaiming, 'Who will buy a young girl six months gone with child? Forthwith buyers followed at his heels, and a very considerable sum was offered.

The people, looking at him, said, 'Cogia Efendi, for whose death are you in mourning? The Cogia answered, 'My son's father is dead, and I wear mourning for him. One day Cogia, returning from the harvest field, felt very thirsty. Looking around, he saw that they watered a tree by means of a pipe from a fountain.

Nasr Eddin Efendi had two daughters. One day the two coming to see their father, the Cogia said to them, 'Well, daughters, how do things go on with you? Now, the husband of one of them was a farmer, that of the other was a maker of tiles.