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Three times it came and went again, as the shaking of a thread might pass away into the distance; and then I touched John Fry to know that there was something near me. 'Doon't 'e be a vule, Jan! Vaine moozick as iver I 'eer. God bless the man as made un doo it. 'Have they hanged one of the Doones then, John? 'Hush, lad; niver talk laike o' thiccy. Hang a Doone!

Princes, Dukes, and Barons of the High Seas! Know ye by these presents, we are the Dimbula, fifteen days nine hours from Liverpool, having crossed the Atlantic with four thousand ton of cargo for the first time in our career! We have not foundered. We are here. 'Eer! 'Eer! We are not disabled. But we have had a time wholly unparalleled in the annals of ship-building! Our decks were swept!

Three times it came and went again, as the shaking of a thread might pass away into the distance; and then I touched John Fry to know that there was something near me. "Doon't 'e be a vule, Jan! Vaine moozick as iver I 'eer. God bless the man as made un doo it." "Have they hanged one of the Doones then, John?" "Hush, lad; niver talk laike o' thiccy. Hang a Doone!

The neels were dear, an' so they tuk to usin' boot-pegs; but not hevin' a manafactry o' the pegs down south, they hed to git 'em from the no'th. Jest then, my pertner an' I thought o' makin' a spekoolashun on the pegs; so we loaded our schooner wi' thet eer freight, chuck right up to the hetches; an' then sot off from Bosting for Orleens. We thort we'd make our derned fortune out thet eer trip."

'Hollo! you how came you here? Dost 'eer? And he drew near panting, and sometimes tugging angrily in his haste at his wooden leg, which sunk now and then deeper than was convenient in the sod.

If we go inard, we're sure to get lost one way or t'other. By keepin' south'ard we may come to some thradin' port av the Portagee." "We'd better start at once, then," suggested the impatient Terence. "No, Masther Terry," said the sailor; "not afore night. We mustn't leave 'eer till it gets dark. We'll 'ave to thravel betwane two days." "What!" simultaneously exclaimed the three midshipmen.

Princes, Dukes, and Barons of the High Seas! Know ye by these presents, we are the Dimbula, fifteen days nine hours from Liverpool, having crossed the Atlantic with four thousand ton of cargo for the first time in our career! We have not foundered. We are here. 'Eer! 'Eer! We are not disabled. But we have had a time wholly unparalieled in the annals of ship-building! Our decks were swept!

The solemnity of the scene was produced by the earnest sincerity and serious purpose with which these children of the Far West were prepared to offer themselves to God, and to renounce for eer the hateful sins and cruel deeds of their heathenism; and the solemn stillness was broken only by the breath of prayer. The responses were made with earnestness and decision.

Their only hope lay in a continuous and rapid advance, so as to reach the lost men ere they should freeze or die of starvation. "Holo! look 'eer!" shouted Meetuck, as he halted and went down on his knees to examine some marks on the snow. "These are tracks," cried Captain Guy eagerly. "What think you, Saunders?" "They look like it." "Follow them up, Meetuck.

Their only hope lay in a continuous and rapid advance, so as to reach the lost men ere they should freeze or die of starvation. "Holo! look 'eer!" shouted Meetuck, as he halted and went down on his knees to examine some marks on the snow. "These are tracks!" cried Captain Guy eagerly. "What think you, Saunders?" "They look like it" "Follow them up, Meetuck.