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"Oh she's richt eneuch, but there's bonny lasses as weel as her; an' maybe, gin young Maister Peden comes ower by to Oraig Eonald to see a lass nnkenned o' a' what faut wad there be in that?" "Then it's Meg he comes to see, and no' the young mistress?" said the alarmed grave-digger. "Maybes aye an' maybes no there's bonny lasses forby Meg Kissock for them that hae gotten een in their heads."

Sae let us a' get together and make sure that there's never a look in our een or a shrinking that can gie' any o' these laddies, whether they're our kin or no, whether we saw them before, the feeling that there's any difference in our eyes between them and ourselves. The greatest suffering any man's done that's been hurt is in his spirit, in his mind not in his body.

I tauld your honour I was fleyed wi' a bogle that night, but ye wadna listen to me I aye thought there was witchcraft and deevilry amang the Papishers, but I ne'er saw't wi' bodily een till that awfu' night." "Get along, sir," said I, "and bring the fellows you talk of; and see they have more sense than yourself, and are not frightened at their own shadow."

W'en I year Miss Sally gwine 'bout de house w'isslin' 'W'en I k'n read my titles cle'r an' w'en I see de martins swawmin' atter sundown an' w'en I year de peckerwoods confabbin' togedder dese moonshiny nights in my een er town en I knows de hot wedder's a breakin' up, an' I know it's 'bout time fer po' fokes fer ter be rastlin' 'roun' and huntin' up dere rashuns. Dat's me, up an down."

But how should he understand, that's never had bairn o' his own to twine its fingers around one o' his? Nor seen the licht in his wife's een as she laid them on her wean?" Annie was comforted by the love in his voice, and fell asleep. But when the morn came the bairn was worse, and greetin' pitifully. And it was Annie herself who spoke, timidly, of what the doctor had offered.

"I fancy," said Ratcliffe, with one of his familiar sneers, "the lassie thinks that naebody has een but hersell Didna I see when Gentle Geordie was seeking to get other folk out of the Tolbooth forby Jock Porteous? but ye are of my mind, hinny better sit and rue, than flit and rue ye needna look in my face sae amazed. I ken mair things than that, maybe."

I talked of their president, and of the way he needed them to be upholding him, as their fathers and mothers had upheld President Lincoln. And they rose to me aye, they cheered me until the tears stood in my een, and my voice was so choked that I could no go on for a space.

Wi' heart and wi' een rinnin' ower we shall see The King in a' His beauty in oor ain countrie. Like a bairn to its mither, a wee birdie to its nest, I wad fain be agangin' noo unto my Saviour's breast; For He gathers in His bosom witless, worthless lambs like me, An' carries them Himself to His ain countrie." Mrs. Gray had been lying with closed eyes through which the tears forced their way.

But you saw him plainly?" "As plainly as I see you." "How was he dressed?" said Sharpitlaw. "I couldna weel see; something of a woman's bit mutch on his head; but ye never saw sic a ca'-throw. Ane couldna hae een to a' thing." "But did he speak to no one?" said Sharpitlaw.

"Good God!" replied Morton, "I have heard of scarcity, but not of famine! It is possible? Have the ladies and the Major" "They hae suffered like the lave o' us," replied Jenny; "for they shared every bit and sup wi' the whole folk in the Castle I'm sure my poor een see fifty colours wi' faintness, and my head's sae dizzy wi' the mirligoes that I canna stand my lane."