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If I didn't, he'd torture me and you too. Well, he does twissen about. Welsh eel's nothing to him." For the snake in its rage and pain kept twining about the pole, treating that as the cause of all its suffering. Morgan stood there full of excitement, but though longing to deliver a blow that should paralyse if it did not kill our enemy, I could not get the slightest chance.

"But there's not a spot in the shoal except the Eel's Gate that we've a ghost of a chance of getting through," cried Manton, becoming excited as the schooner dashed towards the breakers like a furious charger rushing on destruction. "I know it." "And there's barely water on that to float us over," he added, striding forward, and laying a hand on the wheel.

The man in the eel's hole called out to him again: "Let me be your god of property." "No," said Tui N'Kualita; "the tapa I got from the god Kadavu is good enough." "Well, then, let me be your god of navigation." "I'm a farmer. Breadfruit is enough for me." "Let me be your god of love, and you will enjoy all the women of Bega." "No, I've got enough women. I'm not a big chief.

"But there's not a spot in the shoal except the Eel's Gate that we've a ghost of a chance of getting through," cried Manton, becoming excited as the schooner dashed towards the breakers like a furious charger rushing on destruction. "I know it." "And there's barely water on that to float us over," he added, striding forward, and laying a hand on the wheel.

But there's more spotted morays around than green ones." "But that's hardly more a fish than a shark is," objected Colin. "Isn't a moray a kind of eel?" "Yes, sir, but an eel's a fish. Leastways so I was always told, when I used to work over at the Aquarium on Agar's Island." "All right," said Colin good-humoredly, "I guess you're in the right about it. Go ahead and tell me about the moray."

No one else cared about touching the monster, and at last it appeared as though the prize would escape after all, for Bob was trying to retain it with one hand only the other appearing to be disabled in some way or another; but it was not so, for Bob meant mischief, and his hand reappeared with his great bread and cheese knife, which he opened with his teeth, and then, with one great gash, nearly severed the unfortunate eel's head from his snaky body.

Pare the patient's nails when the fit is coming on, & put the parings into a little bag of fine linen or sarsenet, & tie that about a live eel's neck in a tub of water. The eel will die & the patient will recover. And if a dog or hog eat that eel, they will also die." "The man recovered of the bite, The dog it was that died!"

When they reached the farmyard, there was a great disturbance, two families were fighting for an eel's head, which, after all, was carried off by the cat. "See, children, that is the way of the world," said the mother duck, whetting her beak, for she would have liked the eel's head herself. "Come, now, use your legs, and let me see how well you can behave.

"Get new tackle rove, Scraggs," said he, cheerfully, "I'll keep her straight for Eel's Gate with this. That was the first bar of the gate there are only two altogether, and the second won't be so bad."

"Puts me in mind of sniggling for eels, and pushing a worm at the end of a willow-stick up an eel's burrow in a muddy bank. They give it a knock like that sometimes, but of course not so hard. Well, why don't you go on?" "Go on with what?" I cried, wishing myself well out of the whole business. "Stirring of him up, and making him savage. But stop a moment, let's have this ready."