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The rose is called Maria Leonida, her own name is Maria; and she hopes you will be very happy." I was delighted. To MRS. R. BUTLER. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Oct. 30, 1847. I hope the hyacinths "Maria Edgeworth" and "Apollo," and all the blues, will not be destroyed in their journey to you. I spent an hour yesterday doing up dahlias for Rosa, who wrote to me from Dublin that she was heart-sick for flowers.

It was worth a journey to Edgeworthstown to see this beautiful specimen of old age." MARIA EDGEWORTH to MRS. EDGEWORTH. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, May 13, 1828. We had a serious alarm this morning, and serious danger, but it is perfectly over now, and no damage done but what a few days' work of plasterer and carpenter can repair.

Two hundred and fifty thousand is the report of the Police up to April. Mr. Tuite thought a third more deaths than usual had been in his neighbourhood. My mother and Mr. Powell say that the increase of deaths above ordinary times has not in this parish been as much as one-third. To MRS. R. BUTLER. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, May 19, 1847.

"And did you never think of him? " "Yes, madam, very often." I am glad constancy is approved of at courts, and hope "the bright example" may be followed. To MISS SOPHY RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, July 12, 1806.

Holland this morning saying at the beginning I should be surprised at its contents; and so I was. The Princess of Wales has invited him to accompany her abroad as her physician! After consulting with his friends he accepted the invitation. To MRS. RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Oct 13, 1814.

He exaggerates and makes some mistakes, as all travellers do. Still drops from life some withering joy away. Year after year, we must witness these sad losses. Aunt Alicia gone! and Aunt Bess Waller, of whom you were so fond. What an amiable and highly cultivated mind she had, and so hospitable and kind. To MISS RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, March 31, 1835.

There has been and is a fever in the lanes of Edgeworthstown, and so quickly does ill news fly, that this got before us to Collon, to the Speaker's, where we were invited, and had actually set out last week to spend a few days there.

An hour or two afterwards, however, we were obliged to fly from Edgeworthstown. The pikemen, three hundred in number, actually were within a mile of the town. My mother, Aunt Charlotte, and I rode; passed the trunk of the dead man, bloody limbs of horses, and two dead horses, by the help of men who pulled on our steeds: we are all safely lodged now in Mrs. Fallon's inn. Mrs.

To MRS. BEAUFORT. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, March 12. Mr. Creed, my dear good Mr. Creed, has been most kind in taking into his employment one of the young Gerrards who behaved so gallantly in recovering their father's arms from robbers.

Maria Edgeworth found very congenial society in the family of her relation, Lord Longford, at Pakenham, which was twelve miles from Edgeworthstown, and in that of Lord Granard, at Castle Forbes, nine miles distant.