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"I prophesy that you will become this evening a wild enthusiast for Eckhof: that is always the punishment for those who come as despisers and doubters. If you were a girl, I should know that you would be passionately in love with Eckhof before you slept; you have taken the first step, by hating him."

Even actors were seen to grace the holy halls of science on this occasion, and the students laughed with delight and cried "Bravo!" as they recognized near Fredersdorf the noble and sharp profile of Eckhof. They had often rushed madly to thee theatre; why should he not sometimes honor the university?

He clasped his young friend so ardently in his arms, that he could scarcely breathe; he pressed so glowing a kiss upon his cheek, that Lupinus trembled, and was overcome by his own emotion. "See, Lupinus, how much I love you!" said Eckhof. "I come first to you, that you may sympathize with me in my great joy.

We will drink, and picture to ourselves that we belong to the cherished and celebrated artistes of the French stage, on whom the Germans so willingly shower gold, honor, and even love. Raise your glasses, and drink with me to the success of German art!" "We will drink also to Eckhof," cried one of the youthful company, raising his glass. "Yes, to the father of the now school of German acting."

With trembling lips and silent tears he said to himself: "I will live; I will be young; I will turn to Eckhof; he shall counsel me, and I will follow his advice as I would a holy gospel. Did you not say that you knew Cato?" said he, suddenly awaking from his dream and turning to his companion. "Cato?" said Fredersdorf.

Months went by, and Lupinus, faithful to the promise given to Eckhof, was still the thoughtful, diligent student; he sat ever in quiet meditation upon the bench of the auditory, and listened to the learned dissertations of the professors, and studied the secrets of science in his lonely room. But this time of trial was soon to be at an end.

I promise to be your counsellor and comrade. Let us begin our studies at once. Do you see that little theatre-bill fastened to the wall? Eckhof appears as Cato to-night." "Go to the theatre!" said Lupinus, shrinkingly. "How! I go to the theatre?" "And why not, friend?" said Joseph.

"Does this actor dare to cross your threshold?" "It appears so," cried Franke, angrily. "He has the boldness to force himself into my presence. Let him enter; we will then hear how he justifies this intrusion." As Eckhof entered the room, the three professors remained seated, as if awaiting the approach of a criminal.

The deacon declared the maiden, Dorothea Christine Lupinus, a doctor. The students uttered wild applause, and the professors drew near the old Lupinus, to congratulate him, and to renew the acquaintance of former days. The fair young Bride of Arts thought not of this. She looked toward Eckhof; their glances were rooted in each other firmly but tearlessly.

He has sinned heavily against me; he has sacrificed my life to his will. May God forgive him! Now," continued Lupinus, "enough of complaints. My resolution is taken; I will not go to the theatre, for I dare not see Eckhof again."