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Echochee put up both arms to stop her and I noticed for in tense moments one's eyes retain some of the most insignificant details how incongruously her brown old bony fingers sank into the dainty folds of her lady's morning gown. But Sylvia would not be stopped.

'You big man now, Tachachobee, she say. 'Me got big man job, Echochee, me say, and tell her how me take 'em 'way." I was charmed with the way Echochee had put Smilax through the third degree, so to speak, because it proved that Sylvia had a shrewd protector; one who would at least not be outmatched except by force and, judging from the tray episode, even force would have to be considerable.

Yet the smile had not left her face as she said, in a tone of sweet confidence: "Let's be above-the-board-honest with each other in all things, Jack; it makes for long friendships, Echochee says and there's nothing finer, anyhow, than to freely admit a mistake. So it wasn't your fault any more than mine; we've both been very naughty spirits, and we mustn't be again."

He was seated comfortably in a deep chair, Doloria's box of candy stood on the table within easy reach, the newspaper was in his hands, a cigarette hung from his lips, and Echochee was just bringing him the basket of fruit I had taken so much care at Key West to have made attractive. "Picture of Tommy hurrying down for his cigarettes," I whispered. "Peep at him!"

"Echochee wasn't here last night," I casually replied, poking the coals of her fire closer. "I hope you understand that I didn't listen intentionally; for, of course, you'd never have told me all those things " "Stop it," she commanded; and, when I had stopped, there was an ominous silence. But I would not look at her and indifferently pretended to be busy.

To tell her anything at all before Echochee came would be the act of an utterly selfish cad, for if she did not want my love and there was little enough reason to suppose that she did her position would be intolerable. In such an eventuality never again could we sit beside the fort on nights like this, no longer would she want a cleared path leading to her bailiwick.

Then she arose and went to the rail, remarking coolly: "Please signal to have Echochee and Monsieur Dragot brought out at once." And that was the only thing she would say. To hell with what Tommy knew about women!

When dark come, me swim to l'il island and give owl call two times, then stop soft in middle. Long 'go in Injun village that mean: 'panther, come quick, gun, Echochee will hear and 'member. Good. Then we talk and fix all up. First we see if Efaw Kotee put out guard."

I suggested. "To live," she said evenly, and I bit my tongue. "He made me study awfully hard, but I rather liked it as there wasn't much else to do except play with Echochee, and she became tiresome occasionally. Later he started me at the piano, and the violin, and I loved to work after that. For he's quite a remarkable musician, really!

They were honestly glad, and made no pretense of disguising their admiration for Doloria, to the increasing wrath of Echochee.