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It was her support, probably, which enabled the inhabitants of such comparatively weak cities as Accho and Achzib and Aphek to resist the invasion of the Hebrews, and maintain themselves, despite all attempts made to reduce them. At the same time she gradually extended her influence over the coast towns in her neighbourhood, as Sarepta, Heldun, perhaps Berytus, Ecdippa, and Accho.

It was of sufficient consequence to be mentioned in the Assyrian Inscriptions, though not to attract the notice of Strabo. Ecdippa, south of Tyre, in Lat. 33º 1', is no doubt the scriptural Achzib, which was made the northern boundary of Asher at the division of the Holy Land among the twelve tribes.

These were Laodicea, Gabala, Balanea, Paltos; Aradus, with its dependency Antaradus; Marathus; Simyra, Orthosia, and Arka; Tripolis, Calamus, Trieris, and Botrys; Byblus or Gebal; Aphaca; Berytus; Sidon, Sarepta, and Ornithonpolis; Tyre and Ecdippa; Accho and Porphyreon; Dor and Joppa.

Luliya had, apparently, established his dominion over the greater part of Phoenicia, being lord not only of Sidon, or, as it is expressed in the inscription, of Sidon the greater and Sidon the less, but also of Tyre, Ecdippa, Akko, Sarepta, and other cities.

No great battle was fought; but severally they took arms and defended their walls. Sennacherib tells us that he took one after another "by the might of the soldiers of Asshur his lord" Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-sette, Zarephath or Sarepta, Mahalliba, Hosah, Achzib or Ecdippa, and Accho "strong cities, fortresses, walled and enclosed, Luliya's castles."

Importance of the cities in Phoenicia Their names and relative eminence Cities of the first rank Sidon Tyre Arvad or Aradus Marathus Gebal or Byblus Tripolis Cities of the second rank Aphaca Berytus Arka Ecdippa Accho Dor Japho or Joppa Ramantha or Laodicea Fivefold division of Phoenicia. Phoenicia, like Greece, was a country where the cities held a position of extreme importance.

There remain fifteen important cities, of which six may be placed in the first rank and nine in the second the six being Tyre, Sidon, Aradus, Byblus or Gebal, Marathus, and Tripolis; the nine, Laodicea, Simyra, Arka, Aphaca, Berytus, Ecdippa, Accho, Dor, and Joppa. It will be sufficient in the present place to give some account of these fifteen.

Still further to the south, five miles from Ecdippa, and about twenty-two miles from Tyre, lay Akko or Accho, at the northern extremity of a wide bay, which terminates towards the south in the promontory of Carmel. Next to the Bay of St.

He contrived to establish his dominion over almost the whole of Southern Phoenicia over Sidon, Accho, Ecdippa, Sarepta, Hosah, Bitsette, Mahalliba, &c. and at the same time over the distant Cyprus, where the Cittaeans, or people of Citium, held command of the island. After a time the Cittaeans revolted from him, probably stirred up by the Assyrians.