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When my turn came, the clerk of the court told Mr. Fielding my name, at least, so I presume. "Signor Casanova," said he, in excellent Italian, "be kind enough to step forward. I wish to speak to you." I was delighted to hear the accents of my native tongue, and making my way through the press I came up to the bar of the court, and said, "Eccomi, Signore." He continued to speak Italian, and said,

When my turn came, the clerk of the court told Mr. Fielding my name, at least, so I presume. "Signor Casanova," said he, in excellent Italian, "be kind enough to step forward. I wish to speak to you." I was delighted to hear the accents of my native tongue, and making my way through the press I came up to the bar of the court, and said, "Eccomi, Signore." He continued to speak Italian, and said,

Maurice appeared at the sitting-room door and came slowly down the steps. Gaspare stared. "Eccomi!" "Why, signorino, what is the matter? What has happened?" "Happened? Nothing!" "Then why do you look so black?" "I! It's the shadow of the awning on my face." He smiled. He kept on smiling. "I say, Gasparino, how splendid the donkeys are! And you, too!"

Grisi came on after the rising of the curtain and received a most cordial burst of applause. At length the great audience was hushed to silence, and the orchestra played the symphonic prelude which introduces the contralto air "Eccomi alfin in Babilonia." Alboni glided from the side and walked slowly to the footlights.

"Silvestro," he called softly, without moving from his ambush or turning his eyes from those he watched, "Silvestro, come here!" The obedient stripling came eagerly, and knelt as close to his master as he dared just so as to touch him. "Eccomi, Pilade," says he. "Get back over the brow as fast as you can," said his friend, "and hide in the cave. Wait there till I come. Go now; do as I bid you."

But to return to the fair and our station on the parapets at Grotta-Ferrata. Smoking plates come in and out of the dark hole of a door that opens into kitchen and cellar, and the camerieri cry constantly, "Vengo subito" "Eccomi qua" whether they come or not.

I left my dressing-room, however, with a composed countenance and calm step, and entered my private salon just as its doors were flung open and "Signor Ferrari" was announced. He entered smiling his face was alight with good humor and glad anticipation he looked handsomer than usual. "Eccomi qua!" he cried, seizing my hands enthusiastically in his own. "My dear conte, I am delighted to see you!