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They hurried upstairs. Tuppence had left the key in her door. The room was as she had left it. In the fireplace was a crumpled ball of orange and white. Tommy disentangled it and smoothed out the telegram. "Come at once, Moat House, Ebury, Yorkshire, great developments TOMMY." They looked at each other in stupefaction. Julius spoke first: "You didn't send it?" "Of course not. What does it mean?"

The 'Review' was published on April 13th, and, as Reeve had expected, the article on 'England's Duty to Ireland' was in everyone's mouth. It was a powerful appeal to the Liberals, as distinct from the Gladstonians, which may even now be read with advantage as a lucid exposition of the principles of the Union. From Lord Ebury April 14th.

"His Highness told me that he had a very important engagement; he did not say with whom." It was during those three hours that his Grace of Ebury performed his most brilliant feat of statesmanship, and redeemed that local off-shoot of the Church of Christ over which he ruled from the political slough whereinto it had fallen.

'The successful fox-hunt terminating in either Bedford or Russell Square is very strange, but quite appropriate, commemorated, I suppose, by the statue there erected. Yours affectionately, The successful 'fox-hunt was an event of which I told Lord Ebury as even more remarkable than his snipe-shooting in Belgravia.

Ebury was a deserted station with a solitary porter, to whom Tommy addressed himself: "Can you tell me the way to the Moat House?" "The Moat House? It's a tidy step from here. The big house near the sea, you mean?" Tommy assented brazenly. After listening to the porter's meticulous but perplexing directions, they prepared to leave the station.

Moor Park belonged to Lord Ebury, my wife's uncle, and the beauties of its magnificent park and the amenities of its charming house were at all times open to us, and freely taken advantage of. During those nine years I lived the life of a student, and wrote and published the book I have elsewhere spoken of, the 'Creeds of the Day.

An austere ex-butler, who let lodgings in Ebury Street and preached on Sundays in Hyde Park, he looked askance at the 'movies'. It was his boast that he had never been inside a theatre in his life, and he classed cinema palaces with theatres as wiles of the devil.

Not on the next day, or on the next, did Alaric hear from Mrs. Val, but on the following Monday he got a note from her begging him to call in Ebury Street. She underscored every line of it once or twice, and added, in a postscript, that he would, she was sure, at once acknowledge the NECESSITY of her request, as she wished to communicate with him on the subject of her DAUGHTER'S FORTUNE.

'I thought the moment had come for me to try to read the puzzle, said Cyril. 'So, on that day when Ebury called, when you, Wilderspin, had left us together, I walked up to her and said, "Is your father alive?" 'Ah! cried Sinfi, 'it was as I thought. It was the word "feyther" as killed her! An' what'll become o' him? 'The word "father" seemed to shoot into her like a bullet, said Cyril.

Daring in her assertion of the vocation which had withdrawn her from the gaieties of life she wore the gray robe of a little lay-sister of Poverty. "His Grace the Archbishop of Ebury, Prince Palatine of the Southern Sees, Archdeacon of Rome, Vicar of Jerusalem, and Primate of all the Churches," so, upon entry to the Presence, his full and canonical titles were proclaimed by an usher of the Court.