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And as they drove away there trotted up behind them Moses and Amandy Hatch, with their farm team, and all the little Hatches, Eben and George and Judy and Liza. As they jogged along they drank in the fragrance of the dew-washed meadows and the pines, and a great blue heron stood knee-deep on the far side of Deacon Lysander's old mill-pond, watching them philosophically as they passed.

Except for little Louis, who was already in bed on the other side of the house where his chamber was, and so knew nothing of the occurrence till the morning, there was no sleep for any that night at Heathknowes. At the first clear break of day Tom and Eben took the cart-horses and rode over to tell Dr. Gillespie, General Johnstone, and Mr.

"He seems more ashamed of wheeling vegetables than of stealing," thought Herbert, and he was correct. "How do you happen to be in this business, Eben?" he asked, with some curiosity. "I must do it or starve. I was cheated out of my money soon after I came here, and didn't know where to turn." Eben did not explain that he lost his money in a gambling house.

Hit ain' right ter take de Greenwood cyarpets an' curtains, an' my tablecloths an' de blankets an' sheets an' Ole Miss's fringed counterpanes no'm, hit ain't right eben if de ginerals do sequesterate supplies! How de house gwine look when marster come home?" Molly entered with her knitting. "The forsythia is in bloom! Aunt Lucy, please show me how to turn this heel.

Eben, who was familiar with all the well-known sea-side resorts in America, was forced to admit that this little nook had a charm of its own, unlike all the others. The epithet "hugged in," which Hetty had used, was the very phrase to best convey it. It was at the mouth of a small river, which, as it drew near the sea, widened so suddenly that it looked like a lake.

At any rate, you'll be all the more friend to me for having saved you from making such a blunder as thinking you were in love with me." Dr. Eben was on the point of persisting farther; but he suddenly thought to himself: "I'd better not: I might make her angry. I'll take the friendship platform for the present: that is some gain." "You will permit me then to be your friend, Miss Gunn," he said.

Ploughman would meet in heaven. However, she did not choose this moment to mention it. "It may be as you say, Mrs. Ploughman," she remarked, "or it may be that we've been too hard oh Mrs. Wicket. Mind you, I don't speak for her life with that bad egg of Eben Wicket's. But we ought to forgive others as we would have others forgive us." "You needn't quote Gospels to me," declared Mrs.

In another minute Eben an' the boat would have been into the falls, an', then, Good Lord!" "Doesn't the paper say there were two men with him?" Flo asked. "Who were they, do you suppose?" The girl's face was pale, and she was greatly agitated. "Yes, yes, it does say thar were two men, who left in a motor-boat," the captain replied. "Now, who were they?

He was even more dissatisfied when he learned how fortunate Herbert was. To be selected as a companion by a rich young man was just what he would have liked himself, and he flattered himself that he should make a more desirable companion than a mere boy like Herbert. As our hero was leaving the store, Eben called him back.

With a bound the captain sprang up the stairs. He paused for an instant, however, and glanced back. "Don't be scared, Miss," he encouraged. "It's only Eben. He's bumped hard aginst the boat. You keep close under cover, an' I'll do what I kin with the boy." By the time the captain reached the side of the boat, Eben had his small skiff tied to the deck-rail.