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As he crossed the street on his way to the Ebbitt House, he encountered Symonds hurrying out of the F Street entrance of the hotel. "Well, Symonds, what news?" he asked briefly, returning the other's salute. "I hear that Major Goddard has regained consciousness, Colonel." "Good!" Baker hesitated a moment; then turned on his heel. "Come with me, Symonds." And he led the way to Mrs. Lane's.

Spread this over the top and return to the oven, to set and brown slightly. This makes a deep, large sized pie, and very superior. Ebbitt House, Washington. LEMON PIE. No. 2. One coffee cupful of sugar, three eggs, one cupful of water, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one heaping tablespoonful of flour, the juice and a little of the rind of one lemon.

Arty and Nelly Croubel. Out of the mist of strangeness presently emerged the personality of Miss Mary Proudfoot, a lively but religious spinster of forty who made doilies for the Dorcas Women's Exchange and had two hundred dollars a year family income. To the right of the red-glass pickle-dish were the elderly Ebbitts Samuel Ebbitt, Esq., also Mrs. Ebbitt. Mr.

He sat biting his nails and glancing uneasily at Nancy. When being sworn he was ill at ease, and his behavior created a most unfavorable impression on spectators and court alike. "Your full name?" demanded the judge advocate. "Oscar Brown." "Occupation?" "Druggist." "Where is your drug store?" "On F Street next the Ebbitt." "You know the accused?"

The old gentleman greeted him warmly, and Lorry asked them to what hotel they were going. On being informed that they expected to spend the day at the Ebbitt, he volunteered to accompany them, saying that he intended to breakfast there.

The presentation of the two bills by the Committee on Rules with a coacher to each proposing to prevent amendment and limit discussion raised a revolt in the House. A caucus of the insurgent Republican members was held at the Ebbitt Hotel, and I was elected temporary chairman. We appointed a committee to demand from Speaker Reed a division of the questions and time for opposition to be heard.

"No 'twa'n't, Fannie; 'twas in 1881," complained Mr. Ebbitt. Miss Nash waited for the end of this interruption as though it were a noise which merely had to be endured, like the Elevated. Twice she drew in her breath to speak, and the whole table laid its collective knife and fork down to listen. All she said was: "Oh, will you pardon me if I speak of it now, Mrs.

General Grant wished to place at the head of this establishment a business man who could prune off its excrescences and reform its abuses. The place was offered to the millionaire merchant, Mr. A. T. Stewart, of New York, who accepted it with pleasure, and at once had a suite of rooms in the Ebbitt House, with a private entrance, fitted up for his occupancy until he could go to housekeeping.

They had picnic dinner early up there on the Palisades: Nelly and Mr. Wrenn, Mrs. Arty and Tom, Miss Proudfoot and Mrs. Samuel Ebbitt, the last of whom kept ejaculating: "Well! I ain't run off like this in ten years!"

I know just how you regard me, but I spent six weeks of a three months' leave in Washington last winter, and sat night after night at the club, or day after day among the army crowd at the Ebbitt, or in some fellow's den at the Department, and never once did I hear one word of frank, outspoken, fearless praise of some other fellow's work or deeds, unless it were to his face.