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The doctor pressed the hand which took his, but made no reply in his utter exhaustion, and Carey drew back uttering a sigh, as much from pain as anxiety. "It's no use," he muttered, "there's no help for it. I've got to do it all." "Big Dan go mumkull ebberybody?" asked Jackum, quietly, and as if it was all a matter of course. "No, no," cried Carey, angrily. "I'd soon kill him."

"They who do such things are Christian but in name you must think better of such as are Christians in fact." "Ebberybody call himself Christian, tell you all pale-face Christian, dey say. Now, listen to Chippewa.

Berry won't nebber hab no mo' doubt 'bout de Lo'd takin' keer ob ebberybody speshully niggas an' fools.

You an' ebberybody else mout jest ez well larn, fust ez las', dat I shan't never sell only jes ter make money. Ef I put a price on Red Wing it'll be a big one; kase it ain't done growing yet, an' I might jest ez well stay h'yr an' grow ez ter go West an' grow up wid de kentry, ez dat fool Berry Lawson's allers tellin' about."

My lordship and de ehamwally and de whited saltpeter. All hung up by de neck till dey was dead, in de middle ob de street, right in de sight ob ebberybody going along, and serbe 'em right and hopes it did 'em good," said Katie emphatically. "That was quick work, though," said Sam dubiously. "Quick work? Dey deserbed it quick, and quicker dan dat. Hi, boy, what you talkin' 'bout?

Tell me, has he not come home?" "No, mass'r I'se afeerd he nebber, nebber will ebberybody 'feerd he be drownded folks a been to de village up an down de Lebee ebery wha. No Toney. Captain ob de boat blowed clar into de sky, an fifty passengers gone to de bottom. Oder boat save some; some, like young mass'r, swam 'shore: but no Toney no Mass'r Toney!" "Do you know if he could swim?" I asked.

"Yah!" he screamed, choking out the muddy creek water that had well-nigh strangled him. "Yah! red debbil Injins kill ebberybody and tote off Mistis Marg'y and dat Jeanne 'ooman! Dat's what dey done!"

Who was he?" "De coachman, mass'r, he war." "Oh! I remember. You think he is drowned, also?" "I'se afeerd so, mass'r. Ole Zip sorry, too, for Pierre. A good nigger war daat Pierre. But, Mass'r Toney, Mass'r Toney, ebberybody sorry for Mass'r Toney." "He was a favourite among you?" "Ebberybody like 'im black folks, white folks, all lub 'im. Missa 'Genie lub 'im.

Ebberybody want ter call me by ole Mahs'r's name, an' dat I can't abide nohow; an' when I kicks 'bout it, dey jes gib me some odder one, Dey all seems ter tink I'se boun' ter hev two names, though I hain't got no manner o' right ter but one." "But how did you come to have dis one Ware?" persisted Eliab.

"His head turn wid de scare, probumbly," soliloquized Primus, loud enough to be heard by the captive. "I curus to larn how you fall in. Ebberybody know dis hole, Missa Basset." "Haul me out, and I'll let you know."