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Eban Cowan stood for some time watching the distant horizon, and as the evening drew on he observed through the gloom two or three fishing-boats running under close-reefed sails for the harbour's mouth.

Now David married other wives over and above those which he had before: he had also concubines. The sons whom he had were in number eleven, whose names were Amnon, Emnos, Eban, Nathan, Solomon, Jeban, Elien, Phalna, Ennaphen, Jenae, Eliphale; and a daughter, Tamar. Nine of these were born of legitimate wives, but the two last-named of concubines; and Tamar had the same mother with Absalom.

There is good pay to be got, and other profits besides. You would be perfectly safe, for you have a good character, and no one would suspect you of being engaged in the free-trade service." "I tell you, Eban, once for all, I will have nothing to do with smuggling," answered Michael, firmly. "You say no one will suspect me, but you forget that God sees and hears everything we do, or say, or think.

"I have just heard what has happened, and I could not let the day pass without coming to tell you how sorry I am," he said, as he entered. Nelly thanked him warmly. "Father has gone to heaven and is at rest," she said, quietly. "I should think that you would rather have had him with you down on earth," observed Eban, who little comprehended her feelings.

He knew too much about Eban to desire his friendship; indeed, he doubted very much that Eban really cared for him. "Your friend Eban has been here again to-day," said Nelly, one evening when Michael returned home late.

As he uttered the words he sprang overboard, and with powerful strokes made his way towards the drowning men, while the rest, pulling hard, kept the boat off the rocks, to which she was perilously near. "Here, here, take him, he is almost gone," said one of the men in the water, as Eban approached them. "I can hold on longer."

"You have had a hard tussle for your life; you behaved courageously, my lad," observed Mr Tremayne, taking his hand. "I am thankful that God has spared my life," answered Michael in a low voice, which showed how much his strength was prostrated. "But, O sir, Eban told me that father is dead, and the boat is all knocked to pieces, and what will Nelly and poor granny do?

Michael, not aware of this, met him in the same frank way that he had always been accustomed to do, and took no notice of the angry scowl which Eban often cast at him. Eban on this occasion had command of his father's boat. He was reputed to be as good and bold a fisherman as anyone on the coast.

On reaching home Michael found that Eban Cowan had been before him, and given Nelly and her granny tidings of his safety. They had heard, however, only of the loss of his boat, and had been naturally anxious at the thoughts of what they should do without her. The news he brought that he was to have a new one greatly revived their spirits.

He took up a mop as he spoke, whisking up the bits of seaweed and fish-scales which covered the bottom of the boat. "Thank you," said Michael; "I won't ask you to stop, for I must go and turn in and get some sleep. Father does not seem very well, and I shall have more work in the evening." "What is the matter with Uncle Paul?" asked Eban.