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After all, I thought, the latter tended to be an exceptional view in our megalomaniac days. On the other hand, the locum tenens' view might be rather a normal one, and so might Cecilia's be. Cecilia's scorn, it was, that materially helped the answer to come as clearly as it did. The thought of a Cecilia reigning in that east-country vicarage seemed no more right than pleasant.

After breakfast he saw Bale, and he had the trouble with him which he had foreseen. But in the end military obedience prevailed and the man consented to go with forebodings at which his master affected to smile. "None the less I misdoubt them," the man said, sticking to his point with the east-country doggedness, which is the antipodes of the Irish character. "I misdoubt them, your honour.

He has put into the mouth of his east-country yeoman's son, Tom Strowd, in "The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green," written long before it was printed in 1659, the following: "As God mend me, and ere thou com'st into Norfolk, I'll give thee as good a dish of Norfolk dumplings as ere thou laydst thy lips to;" and in another passage of the same drama, where Swash's shirt has been stolen, while he is in bed, he describes himself "as naked as your Norfolk dumplin."

He made his usual visits at the usual hour without remark, until the day before the term, when, observing the bustle of moving furniture already commenced, the great east-country awmrie dragged out of its nook, and standing with its shoulder to the company, like an awkward booby about to leave the room, the Laird again stared mightily, and was heard to ejaculate, "Hegh, sirs!"

Nicky-Nan hypocritically dived a hand into the sack, drew forth a fistful, and held them out in his open palm. "Ay, and a very tidy lot," the corporal nodded. "And what might be the name of 'em?" "Duchess o' Cornwall they're called: one o' the new Maincrops, an' one o' the best. East-country grown. You may pull half a dozen or so for yourself if you'll do me the favour to accept 'em."

No, no; bide a gliff I will go into the provost's closet, and write a letter to Redgauntlet, and direct you how to deliver it. 'There is pen and ink in the office, said the provost, pointing to the door of an inner apartment, in which he had his walnut-tree desk and east-country cabinet. 'A pen that can write, I hope? said the old laird.

He had something of a rustic air, sturdy and fresh and plain; he spoke with a ripe east-country accent, which I used to admire; his reminiscences were all of journeys on foot or highways busy with post-chaises a Scotland before steam; he had seen the coal fire on the Isle of May, and he regaled me with tales of my own grandfather.

He made his usual visits at the usual hour without remark, until the day before the term, when, observing the bustle of moving furniture already commenced, the great east-country awmrie dragged out of its nook, and standing with its shoulder to the company, like an awkward booby about to leave the room, the Laird again stared mightily, and was heard to ejaculate, "Hegh, sirs!"

He had a beard and came from Fife. I remember the east-country tone in his voice. Mrs. Hope took off her glasses and smiled to herself over her recollections.... "Mrs. Reid was a nice creature, 'fair bigoted, as they say here, on her son Peter. He was her chief topic of conversation.

With a few exceptions we are all West-countrymen, undoubted "dumplings" and "duff-eaters" at least, so say our East-country friends, though experience has taught me, and probably many of my readers too, that at demolishing a plum pudding the east is not a whit behind the west; in that particular we all betray a common English origin.