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I cries out to one as 'eartily as to another: 'The old firm, the old firm, don't forget the old firm.... What can I do for you to-day, sir? There's but one sort of cove I can't abide." "And he is " said Journeyman. "He is Mr. George Buff." "Who's he? who's he?" asked several; and the vagrant caused some amusement by the question, "Do 'e bet on the course?"

Shrig, I should like to shake your hand," said I. "'Eartily an' vith a vill, sir!" he answered. "You see, I loved and honoured him also, Mr. Shrig." "Verefore an' therefore, sir, I make bold to ask if you're partic'ler busy to-day?" "I am here to meet a friend and then I am for the country." "Tonbridge vay, sir?" "Yes, why do you ask?"

I am 'eartily grateful 'eartily pleased to be of any service to a gentleman like you, sir, which is related to the Vis-count, and really a fambly of which you might well be proud! Take care of the step, sir. You have good news of 'is 'ealth, I trust? as well as that of Monseer the Count?"

I am 'eartily grateful 'eartily pleased to be of any service to a gentleman like you, sir, which is related to the Vis-count, and really a fambly of which you might well be proud! Take care of the step, sir. You have good news of 'is 'ealth, I trust? as well as that of Monseer the Count?

The farmer nodded to her, and said in his bluff voice: "Glad to welcome you under my humble roof, Miss Pauline Dale. 'Eartily welcome you be. Now then, young folks, fall to." The meal proceeded to the accompaniment of loud jokes, gay laughter, and hearty talking. The farmer's voice topped the others.

He said in a totally new voice, louder but much more careless, "Ah yes, sir,... this 'ere Budget... the Radicals are doing a lot of 'arm." I listened intently, and he went on. He said with a sort of careful precision, "Settin' class against class; that's what I call it. Why, what's made our Empire except the readiness of all classes to work 'eartily 'and-in-'and."