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"Then I thank you for your good intentions. But I believed, before God and my countrymen North and South, that I bad no moral right to let this vessel be taken for the use of the Confederacy, and I would have burned her on the waters of Mobile Bay before I would have given her up," added Horatio, quite as earnestly as the other had spoken.

Of the London County Territorials he said: 'I cannot speak of these warriors without a lump rising in my throat. These Cockneys are the best men in the world. Their spirits are simply wonderful, and I do not think any division ever went into a big show with higher moral. After three years of war it is refreshing to hear the men's earnestly expressed desire to go into action again.

Grail. He looked down the street. Lydia was impelled to say earnestly: 'Some time, perhaps! Thyrza is very young yet, Mr. Ackroyd. She thinks of such different things. 'What does she think of? he asked, rather gloomily. 'I mean she she must get older and know you better. Good-bye! Mary Bower is waiting for me. She ran on, and Ackroyd sauntered away without a glance after her.

"Little, grave-eyed Beatrice, tell me truly, would it grieve you much if you were never again to sit here with Alicia in this same Red Room?" And I made answer earnestly that it would, glad that I could say so much truly. Then her face grew tender and she sighed deeply.

"He truly was," declared Tony; "he was a-trackin' you his Sunday best. It was bad for you that it was so dark that he couldn't see what you was; but it might have been worse for ye if it hadn't been so dark that he couldn't find ye at all." "I'm glad I didn't know it," said the captain earnestly; "thoroughly and completely glad I didn't know it.

At length, by dint of lashing the weaker men into the chair, and earnestly cautioning the strong ones to hold on with all their might, I succeeded in securing the passage of the entire remainder of the Frenchmen to the City of Cawnpore; and then came the task of effecting my own retreat.

"That's true," agreed Dorothy; "and, if it's anywhere in the Land of Oz, we're bound to find it." "Well, we're bound to search for it, anyhow," said the Scarecrow. "As for finding it, we must trust to luck." "Don't do that," begged Ojo, earnestly. "I'm called Ojo the Unlucky, you know." Trouble with the Tottenhots

But unfortunately she had entered into conversation, very earnestly, with a gentleman of her acquaintance, and would not listen to me; but said, that if I was tired of waiting, I might walk on to the milliner's with the Miss Watkins, two young ladies I had seen at Mrs. Beaumont's, who were going thither. I accepted the offer very readily, and away we went.

Stephano inclined himself closer to the ear of the count, and whispered long and earnestly; it seemed as if he feared that even the walls might listen to him and betray his plans; he whispered so low that even the count had some trouble in understanding him. "You are right," said the count, when Stephano had ended; "your plan must and will succeed.

The time has come, however, when the Government and national banks should be required to take the most efficient steps and make all necessary arrangements for a resumption of specie payments. Let specie payments once be earnestly inaugurated by the Government and banks, and the value of the paper circulation would directly approximate a specie standard.