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The lad looked like a young nobleman, and the peasants would take earnest-money from him. If he, Jorg, should show them florins, it would get him into a fine scrape. The people knew he was as poor as a beggar. The smith asked the poacher's opinion, and the latter growled: "That will, doubtless, be a good plan."

He hired a house in the square in which the convent was situated, giving out that he desired to open a house of business for the sale of silks, and for articles from the Low Countries. As he paid down earnest-money for the rent, no suspicion whatever was excited.

He hired a house in the square in which the convent was situated, giving out that he desired to open a house of business for the sale of silks, and for articles from the Low Countries. As he paid down earnest-money for the rent no suspicion whatever was excited.

He says he hired the boat by letter, and that the captain had no right to let it to you. The master maintains that he has received no such letter, and no one can prove that he is telling a lie." I congratulated myself on having taken the packet and paid the earnest-money, and went to bed. At day-break the landlord said that the ambassador had arrived at midnight, and that his man wanted to see me.

I have been constantly indisposed, dear Zmeskall, since I last saw you; in the mean time the servant who lived with you before your present one has applied for my situation. I do not recollect him, but he told me he had been with you, and that you had nothing to say against him, except that he did not dress your hair as you wished. I gave him earnest-money, though only a florin.

"Would you like some earnest-money?" "If it would not put your honour out " "Here are two hundred pounds on account sir," added Phileas Fogg, turning to Fix, "if you would like to take advantage " "Thanks, sir; I was about to ask the favour." "Very well. In half an hour we shall go on board." "But poor Passepartout?" urged Aouda, who was much disturbed by the servant's disappearance.

"She did not call you names, aunt, and please do not say such things of her, for you will frighten me away before I tell my errand. Mademoiselle Angelique sent this piece of gold as earnest-money to prove that she wants your counsel and advice in an important matter." Fanchon untied the corner of her handkerchief, and took from it a broad shining louis d'or.

By allowing the earnest-money paid at Dodge to apply, some kind of a compromise might be effected, whereby I could get rid of two of these herds, with three hundred saddle horses thrown back on my hands at the Yellowstone River. I might dispose of the third herd here and give the remuda away, but at a total loss of at least thirty thousand dollars on the Buford cattle.

And then exchanging a shake of the hands as the earnest-money of their love, she went back into the water and he into the fire and into such a fire indeed that he had not an hour's rest the whole day long.

The lad looked like a young nobleman, and the peasants would take earnest-money from him. If he, Jorg, should show them florins, it would get him into a fine scrape. The people knew he was as poor as a beggar. The smith asked the poacher's opinion, and the latter growled: "That will, doubtless, be a good plan."