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She looked for nothing save what might come legitimately and without the appearance of special favour. She wanted something, but no man should buy her by false protestations or favour. She proposed to earn her living honestly. "This store closes at one on Saturdays," was a pleasing and satisfactory legend to see upon doors which she felt she ought to enter and inquire for work.

Just as laborers must work hard to earn high wages, we must endure a brief period of want and suffering to gain for ourselves and for our children the beautiful new home which the Lord had promised. God's own land it must be, for it was a gift of the Most High.

I should at least have an assured crust of bread; I might at least set to work to earn my employers' favour, and even try to change my character if required to do so. Of course it is a sad and sorry thing to have to live among strangers, and to be forced to seek their patronage, and to conceal and constrain one's own personality but God will help me.

The comely little woman said that her husband was a weaver of "Cross-over;" and I suppose he would earn about six or seven shillings a week at that kind of work; but he had been long out of work. His wife said, "I've had to pop my husban's trousers an' waistcoat many a time to pay th' rent o' this house." She then began to talk about her first-born, and the theme was too much for her.

Jones wrote a lot of checks. Colby got a couple of hundred for a retaining fee and gleefully informed us it was more money than he had ever owned at one time in all his previous career. I think he will earn it, however." "Where is he now?" asked Uncle John. "Visiting all the newspaper offices, to 'buy white space, as he put it.

"I know that, in advance. Now, tell me if you are at work, or do you attend school?" "I have been at work in a shoe shop in this village, sir." "Not now?" "No, sir; business is dull, and work has given out." "What are you going to do next?" "Anything by which I can earn an honest living." "That's the way to talk. I'll take you into my employ, if you have no objection to travel."

If you was to ask me how much I was able to earn there, and how much back on Unaka, I could make a good report for the mill on that, because that's all that's the matter with the mountains they're a beautiful place to live, but a body can't hardly earn a cent, work as they may." Johnnie forgot herself she was always doing that and she talked freely and well.

From there his letters to his family give one the picture of a healthy, warm-hearted youth, chiefly anxious lest his mother and sister should "worry." In our country nearly every family knows that domestic tragedy when the son and heir "breaks home ties," and starts out to earn a living; and if all the world loves a lover, it at least sympathizes with the boy who is "looking for a job."

"Don't be alarmed, I shall always earn enough for both." "You are counting without illness or the force of events. How many unexpected circumstances may reduce you to idleness for months! And then how should we live?" "But, my dear father, if we poor people anticipated all the trouble we may be threatened with, we should certainly lose courage.

"Not there, or at any place in the district. Or, for that matter, in any place in the United States unless I gave a false name. Steel workin' is my trade, an' I don't know any other; the men that run that trade in the United States refuse to let me work at it; very well, then, if the country won't let me earn my livin' by working for it, it'll have to give me a livin' without.