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The Metropolitan Dry Goods and Variety Store at Trumet Centre was open for business. Sam Bartlett, the boy whose duty it was to take down the shutters, sweep out, dust, and wait upon early-bird customers, had performed the first three of these tasks and gone home for breakfast.

They're goin' out into the purairie country beyant, an' I think it's just on the early-bird principle, to hold it ag'inst settlers from this state. They're a lot of those damned black abolitionists, that's what they are!

Hobbs dogged them at a safe distance while they sallied forth and in a neighboring street discovered an early-bird bakery.

Business began to pick up, not a great deal at first, but a little, and as May brought the first of the early-bird summer cottagers to South Harniss, the silent partner of Hamilton and Company awaited the coming of what should be the firm's busiest season with hope and some confidence. During all this time she had heard from Crawford at least once a week.

He listened with, as it were, a new sense of hearing, so acute, so clear, that it was as though his friends talked loudly in his very ears. "He'd see the Outlander early-bird after the young domestic worm." His heart beat so loud that it seemed his friends must hear it, in the moment's silence following these suggestive words.

"He'd see the Outlander early-bird after the young domestic worm," was the slow reply. For a moment a curious silence fell upon the group. It was as though some one had heard what had been said some one who ought not to have heard. That is exactly what had happened. Rudyard had not gone home.

Leary to his bachelor apartments in West Eighty-fifth Street before dawn came, with its early-bird milkmen and its before-day newspaper distributors and its others too numerous to mention. Without warning of any sort the cab started off, seemingly of its own volition. Mr. Leary's gait became a desperate gallop, and as he galloped he gave voice in entreaty. "Hey there!" he shouted. "Wait, please.

Mortimer, riding a huge chestnut he could still wedge himself into a saddle had now made it a regular practice to affect the jocular early-bird squire, and drag Plank out of bed.

"Good-morrow, Master Early-bird!" a merry voice called up to him, and a nosegay dropped on the window-ledge at his side. He looked down. There in the path among the rose-trees was Master Will Shakspere, laughing. He had on an ancient leathern jacket and a hat with a hole in its crown; and the skirts of the jacket were dripping with dew from the bushes. "Good-morrow, sir," said Nick, and bowed.

"I got a few words to say to them early-bird sailors that's house-cleanin' the decks," says I. "I'm goin' to ask you to stay in the boat, Mr. Ellins, and look worried. The rest can go aboard. Captain Killam might rout out the chef and get action on an early breakfast." "Ay, ay, Captain Torchy," says Old Hickory. "Here we are, with a smiling reception committee to greet us, as usual."