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The serang himself lay out on the weather yard-arm, and I saw him, earing in hand, working away actively with the rest. The dream was still vivid on my mind; and I could not help feeling surprised at seeing him thus engaged, when I had expected to be struggling in a deadly conflict with him and his companions. The ship was soon brought under snug sail, and standing on her course to the eastward.

Quoth the hedgehog, "I fear lest thy deed contradict thy word and thou be even as the husbandman who, when the seed-season came, neglected to sow, saying, 'Verily I dread lest the days bring me not to my desire and by making hast to sow I shall only waste my substance! When harvest-time came and he saw the folk earing their crops, he repented him of what he had lost by his tardiness and he died of chagrin and vexation."

"R-r-r-r-r-r-ip!" sounded the renting, tearing noise of the sail, almost as soon as he spoke; and then, with a greater "bang!" than that of the mizzen-topsail, the main topsail split first from clew to earing and the next second blew away bodily to leeward, floating like a cloud as it was carried along the crests of the rollers out of our ken in a minute.

There was a deep settled air of authority, in the manner with which this tardy answer was given, that did not fail of its impression. Earing recoiled a step, with a submissive manner, and affected to be lost in consulting the driving masses of the clouds; then, summoning his resolution, he attempted to renew the attack in a different quarter.

At length the word came "Haul out to leeward," and we seized the reef-points and hauled the band taught for the lee earing. "Taught band Knot away," and we got the first reef fast, and were just going to lay down, when "Two reefs two reefs!" shouted the mate, and we had a second reef to take, in the same way.

Six miles to windward is not a little advantage, in a hard chase. By heavens, Earing, I'll drive the 'Caroline' out of water but I'll leave him!" "That might be done, if the ship had wings like a curlew, or a sea-gull; but, as it is, I think we are more likely to drive her under." "She bears her canvas well, so far. You know not what the boat can do, when urged."

This called me; and being nearest to the rigging, I got first aloft, and out to the weather earing. English Ben was on the yard just after me, and took the lee earing, and the rest of our gang were soon on the yard, and began to fist the sail, when the mate considerately sent up the cook and steward, to help us.

My words hurl themselves impetuously forward, as zouaves in battle! Only, as you may conceive, this discourse is not of a very classic nature, and hardly suited to the drawing-room, especially, as I receive great help, and rush on all the faster, for a few interjections that come under the head of of of swear ear earing!"

After tea, Pinkey set to work and washed up the dishes, while Mrs Partridge entertained the guest. Chook took out his cigarettes, and asked if Mr Partridge objected to smoke. There was no answer. "You must speak louder, Mr Fowles," said Mrs Partridge. "William's 'earing ain't wot it used to be." William resented this remark by twisting his chair farther away and emitting a grunt.

All hands are engaged upon it, and after the halyards are let go, there is no time to be lost no "sogering," or hanging back, then. If one is not quick enough, another runs over him. The first on the yard goes to the weather earing, the second to the lee, and the next two to the "dog's ears;" while the others lay along into the bunt, just giving each other elbow-room.