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But it is a social beast, and it wants to catch the bellowing of its fellows far across the foggy waste of ice-floes; and that little leather scoop standing behind the ear-hole seems to be just the instrument required to catch and send down those sounds which would otherwise glance off the glossy fur and never find entrance to the tiny orifice at all.

He turned gravely upon Katharine: 'I do not ask what you spoke of with that worshipful swordsman, he said. 'But your servitor is gone to tell upon you. A stone is gone from here and there is his ear-hole, like a drum of canvas. Katharine said swiftly: 'Take, then, a letter for me to the Bishop of Winchester! He started back with a little exaggerated pantomime of horror.

"'Orifice, said I, for I hate fine words for common use, they are like go-to-meeting' clothes on week days, onconvenient, and look too all fired jam up. Sais I, 'what's that when it's fried. I don't know that word? "'Why, ear-hole, said he. "'Oh, sais I, simple like, 'I take now. "He smiled and went on.

Prosser! Who on earth was Prosser? Had anyone ever heard of him? No! Yet here he was going about the country clipping small boys over the ear-hole, and flinging loaves of bread at bank-clerks as if he were Henry James or Marie Corelli. Owen reproached himself bitterly for his momentary loss of presence of mind.

"But her heart is aching." "I know it's aching. But so is somebody else's." She looked at me, perplexed. "Somebody else? Mr. Glossop's, you mean?" "No, I don't." "Mrs. Travers's?" The exquisite code of politeness of the Woosters prevented me clipping her one on the ear-hole, but I would have given a shilling to be able to do it.

Parts of the discarded gill-arches are gradually transformed into the three bones of the mammal's internal ear; just as other parts are converted into mouth cartilages, and as it is believed one of the gill clefts is converted into the Eustachian tube. In the Monotreme and Marsupial the ear-hole begins to be covered with a shell of cartilage; we have the beginning of the external ear.

Got him under the left ear-hole, Gabriel ! See him, see him, Michael? That hopeful blue devil! Land him one! Biff on your bottom, you hoper. But I wish the Arabs wouldn't entice me, or you, dear reader, provoke me to this. I feel with you, dear reader, as I do with a deaf-man when he pushes his vulcanite ear, his listening machine, towards my mouth.

"So now," said I, "since I have shown you that you are a queen you will surely give me a choomer" this being a kiss in Romany talk. "I'll give you one on the ear-hole," she cried.

"Bad 'cess to the 'terrier! I have a good mind to punch him in the ear-hole." "That would fetch a bashing, Pat." "Troth, and I've had a bashing once afore, and what I've had once I can do with agin." "Did you holloa when you were bashed?" "Holloa! by the piper, I sang out

The Poonga-Poonga volunteers stood with glistening eyes and grinning faces, naked save for their loin-cloths, and barbarously ornamented. Each wore a flat, turtle-shell ring suspended through his nose, and each carried a clay pipe in an ear-hole or thrust inside a beaded biceps armlet. A pair of magnificent boar tusks graced the chest of one.