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'I will send my soul away, he cried, 'and you shall be my bride, and I will be thy bridegroom, and in the depth of the sea we will dwell together, and all that thou hast sung of thou shalt show me, and all that thou desirest I will do, nor shall our lives be divided. And the little Mermaid laughed for pleasure and hid her face in her hands.

He drew her up from her kneeling attitude, and gathering her close in his arms, kissed her tenderly, reverently as a man might kiss the lips of the dead. "Must it be so, Lotys?" he whispered; "Must we dwell always apart?" Her eyes, beautiful with a passion of the highest and holiest love, looked full into his.

But Fred has the good taste not to dwell on that. And what he cares most about is having offended you, Mrs. Garth; he supposes you will never think well of him again." "I have been disappointed in Fred," said Mrs. Garth, with decision. "But I shall be ready to think well of him again when he gives me good reason to do so." At this point Mary went out of the room, taking Letty with her.

Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.

As he went, so, obviously, he had come back, not disillusioned, nay, with all his illusions, or delusions, about this wicked world and its possibilities, about the people who dwell in it and their lamentable limitations, stronger in his mind than ever. How could he get through life without being too sorely hurt and wounded, without being cut to the very quick by his inevitable discoveries?

While thus engaged, she recollected the note she had given to Bill, the memory of which had been crowded from her mind for the past few hours by the pressure of other things. "Oh, if I but knew how it would affect them!" she said, as she suffered her thoughts to dwell upon the subject.

Behold he gave me water and boiled me milk, and I went with him to his camp; they did me good, and one tribe passed me on to another. When I had dwelt there half a year Amu-an-shi who is the prince of the Upper Tenu sent for me and said: "Dwell thou with me that thou mayest hear the speech of Egypt."

Being at ordinary times an exceptionally sensible, well-balanced woman, she had never, in old days, allowed her mind to dwell on certain things she had learnt as to the aberrations of which human nature is capable even well-born, well-nurtured, gentle human nature as exemplified in some of the households where she had served.

I do not, however, dwell upon these facts now as evidence of a transmitted change of bodily form, or of instinct due to use and disuse or habit; what they prove is that the germ-cells within the parent's body do not stand apart from the other cells of the body so completely as Professor Weismann would have us believe, but that, as Professor Hering, of Prague, has aptly said, they echo with more or less frequency and force to the profounder impressions made upon other cells.

He now dwells in this Mahendra, monarch of hills. Thus did hostilities arise between him and the members of the military caste, all of them who dwell on this earth; and Rama, endowed with immense strength, in this way subdued the entire world.