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McLean?" inquired the lady, after a hundred yards. "Did you ever taste steamed Duxbury clams?" asked Lin, absently. "No, indeed. What's them?" "Oh, just clams. Yu' have drawn butter, too." Mr. McLean fell silent again. "I guess I'll be late for settin' the colonel's table.

The long, curved sand-spit-which was heavily wooded when the Pilgrims landed-was silvery also, and upon its northern tip glowed the white sparkle in the lighthouse like the evening-star. To the north, over the smooth pink water speckled with white sails, rose Captain Hill, in Duxbury, bearing the monument to Miles Standish.

He resisted the ambition to take larger holdings of land and become great estate owners that influenced Standish and Brewster, Alden and Winslow, and other of his Mayflower companions, drawing them away from Plymouth to the broader acres at Duxbury and Scituate and Marshfield.

Perhaps before I conclude I should state that the keeper of the Boston Bridewell, Master Arnold, was summarily dismissed for accepting the validity of the Governor's signature. But he did not take it very grievously to heart for Master Raymond, Captain Alden and others whom he had obliged saw him largely recompensed. Captain Alden, by the way, had fled for concealment to his relatives in Duxbury.

"Enough to put us through the winter; enough to stand us on our feet independent of Duxbury Farley and his son; enough to let us pay Major Dabney the back royalties on the coal. More than this, it's going to use up iron hundreds of tons of it. We'll buy out of our own yards, and the men shall have the back-pay dividends."

Duxbury Farley did not deem it necessary to confide fully in his son when the representative of American Aqueduct broke off negotiations abruptly and went back to New York. It is a sad state of affairs, reached by respectably villainous fathers the world over, when the son demonstrates the mathematical law of progression by becoming a villain without regard for the respectabilities. Mr.

Those who spoke against it were Senators George H. Sullivan, F. A. Duxbury and F. H. Pauly. It failed by one vote and was not brought up in the House. A Presidential suffrage bill was also introduced but did not come to a vote. The suffrage work was confined to the Presidential suffrage bill which was defeated in the Senate by two votes.

"'Tain't goin' to do me any good," said Thomas Jefferson dejectedly. "I got to be a preacher." Mr. Duxbury Farley looked down at him curiously. He was a religious person himself, coming to be known as a pillar in St.

Town government, thus instituted, was recognized the next year 1636 by the General Court, and thereafter the towns were corporations lawfully existing and endowed with certain fixed though limited powers. The plantations of the Plymouth Colony followed the example. In 1637, Duxbury was incorporated, and at the General Court of the colony, in 1639, deputies were in attendance from seven towns.

Seven extra mouths sat down to breakfast: A Swede; a Chatham skipper; a boy from Hancock, Maine; one Duxbury, and three Provincetown men. There was a general sorting out among the Fleet next day; and though no one said anything, all ate with better appetites when boat after boat reported full crews aboard.