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"Why, we have conceit enough, sir, to think that we might make at least a half-way battery," smiled Dick. "Battery, eh?" repeated Lieutenant Lawrence. "Good enough! Get out and do it. Durville, you're one of the real batsmen. Run out there to the home plate, and see whether Prescott and Holmes can put anything past you." How good it felt to be in field clothes again!

"But you know the fellow's roommate, Mr. Holmes," suggested Durville. "I am under the impression that you do, too, suh," replied Anstey significantly, yet without infusing offence into his even tones. It was no use. The first class could only guess. No cadet knew, unless it were Holmes, what Prescott's intentions were about quitting the corps in the near future.

Animals disposing of space otherwise than ourselves, and able, for instance, to move at a speed greater than that of light, would conceive an idea of the succession of phenomena which would differ greatly from our own." "If only Durville is not going to rag me on the stage!" exclaimed Félicie, while Madame Michon was putting on her stockings under her skirt.

"Strike one!" "Strike two!" "Ball two!" Then came a slight swish of willow against leather. Durville had at last succeeded in just touching the ball. But it was a foul hit, and that was all. Dan, however, was not out at the side in time to pick that foul into his own mitten. Durville, his face somewhat pale and teeth clenched, stood ready for his last chance.

He wheeled about, head up, his clenched fists seeking the seams of his condemning "cit." trousers. Durville marched defiantly out into the quadrangle, across and into the cadet guard house, up the flight of stairs and into the office of the officer in charge. Lieutenant Denton was again O.C. that night. Both cadets saluted when they entered after knocking.

Otherwise, the Military Academy authorities might take such action as defiant and visit a more severe penalty upon Cadet Durville. For five days Durville remained in close arrest. This meant, to the initiated, that the Superintendent had taken up the matter with the War Department at Washington. On the sixth day Durville was once more sent for by the commandant of cadets.

"On account of the form in which the request is put," said Durville, as soon as he had secured the chair's recognition, "I move that our president's resignation be accepted in the same good faith in which it is offered." "Thank you, Durry, old man!" called Douglass in a low voice. A seconder was promptly obtained. Then Chairman Fullerton put the motion.

This time, however, the Army had neither Durville, Prescott nor Holmes at the plate, and with these three best batters on the bench, Dave had the satisfaction of striking the soldiers out in one, two, three. In the third inning neither side scored.

"What part of it was clever, anyway?" jeered Henckley. "Why, putting the whole game through, and making the class take it up, yet doing it all so that the trick could never be traced back to me," replied Jordan. In the shadow, Durville turned briskly, gripping Dick's hand with his own. Douglass saw.

"At the time when I called upon the cadet sentry to apprehend Mr. Jordan, I had not the remotest idea that it was Mr. Jordan." "Then," asked Durville bluntly, "how did you, who were not the cadet officer of the day, happen to be where you could catch Mr. Jordan so neatly?" "In that matter I have no explanation to offer," Prescott replied.