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"What do you want, my pretty?" said Ilyin with a smile. "The princess ordered me to ask your regiment and your name." "This is Count Rostov, squadron commander, and I am your humble servant." "Co-o-om-pa-ny!" roared the tipsy peasant with a beatific smile as he looked at Ilyin talking to the girl. Following Dunyasha, Alpatych advanced to Rostov, having bared his head while still at a distance.

A little girl came up, the same who had been the first to meet them at the steps on their arrival the evening before. In a shrill voice she said 'Fedosya Nikolaevna is not quite well, she cannot come; she gave orders to ask you, will you please to pour out tea yourself, or should she send Dunyasha? 'I will pour out myself, myself, interposed Nikolai Petrovitch hurriedly.

And so Akim was married, and took his young bride home.... They began their life together.... Dunyasha turned out to be a poor housewife, a poor helpmate to her husband.

It's all a trick," said Dunyasha, "and when Yakov Alpatych returns let us get away... and please don't..." "What is a trick?" asked Princess Mary in surprise. "I know it is, only listen to me for God's sake! Ask nurse too. They say they don't agree to leave Bogucharovo as you ordered." "You're making some mistake. I never ordered them to go away," said Princess Mary. "Call Dronushka."

"Never mind, I'll run it up, it won't show," said Dunyasha. "What a beauty a very queen!" said the nurse as she came to the door. "And Sonya! They are lovely!" At a quarter past ten they at last got into their carriages and started. But they had still to call at the Taurida Gardens. Peronskaya was quite ready.

'Where are you going in such a hurry, Fedosya Nikolaevna? he began; 'are you busy? ... I have to pour out tea. 'Dunyasha will do that without you; sit a little while with a poor invalid. By the way, I must have a little talk with you. Fenitchka sat down on the edge of an easy-chair, without speaking.

And when Dunyasha willingly promised to do it all for her, Natasha sat down on the floor, took her old ball dress, and fell into a reverie quite unrelated to what ought to have occupied her thoughts now. Natasha got up and looked out of the window. An enormously long row of carts full of wounded men had stopped in the street.

"Let them have my wardrobe cart," said the countess. "Dunyasha can go with me in the carriage." They unloaded the wardrobe cart and sent it to take wounded men from a house two doors off. The whole household, servants included, was bright and animated. Natasha was in a state of rapturous excitement such as she had not known for a long time.

For a while she had stood beside Sonya while the china was being packed and tried to help, but soon gave it up and went to her room to pack her own things. At first she found it amusing to give away dresses and ribbons to the maids, but when that was done and what was left had still to be packed, she found it dull. "Dunyasha, you pack! You will, won't you, dear?"

'I see, I see.... It's nothing, everything's as it should be; he will have a good set of teeth. If anything goes wrong, tell me. And are you quite well yourself? 'Quite, thank God. 'Thank God, indeed that's the great thing. And you? he added, turning to Dunyasha. Dunyasha, a girl very prim in the master's house, and a romp outside the gates, only giggled in answer. 'Well, that's all right.