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Packing up kit and dunnage, he crossed the Georgian Military Route on foot to Vladikavkaz, and thence with another horse and a Mohammedan Georgian as guide, Rostom by name, journeyed via Alighir and Oni up a side valley of unforgettable splendor toward an Imerethian hamlet where they meant to lay-in supplies for a prolonged expedition into the uninhabited wilderness.

"Yes, dunnage and money," answered Donkin, raising his voice a little; "I got nothink. No clothes, no bed. A bandy-legged little Hirish chap 'ere 'as give me a blanket. Think I'll go an' sleep in the fore topmast staysail to-night." He went on deck trailing behind his back a corner of the blanket. Singleton, without a glance, moved slightly aside to let him pass.

Then, in a louder tone: "We got your dunnage stowed all snug, sir." I stepped into my room, and, after a minute's whispered consultation, I heard some one step into the passageway and run forward. Looking out I saw the little red-headed man scurrying away.

As for the Captain, he had no luggage beyond the queer-looking malacca walking-stick called a `Penang lawyer' which he held in his hand, never troubling himself with `stray dunnage, as he said, when travelling by railway.

They were merely filthy and vile. They were vile of appearance, of speech, and action. "Come! Come! Get your dunnage into the fo'c's'le!" Mr. Pike uttered these words sharply from the bridge above.

"I've been thinkin' over you b'yes, an' as ye hain't no dunnage wit' ye, I'm thinkin' ye'll be workin' fer yer board an' room." "We're willing enough, mother," I responded, with a sinking of the heart, while Hoppner grimaced to me, behind her back. We scrubbed out rooms, and the stairs, the bar, behind the bar, the rooms back and front, where the sailors drank.

Forgetting the supper, she began to dig in her dunnage bag. Getting out a lace collar, she flew to the mirror to put it on. Her hair dissatisfied her, and she made it fluff out a little under the rich braid which crowned her brow. Finally, she ruthlessly tore a rose from her new hat and pinned it to her girdle as she had seen Jennie Mackall do.

"No, sir, we can't!" exclaimed Jonas. "That ain't to be thought of!" "Right you are, Jonas!" agreed Agnew, while Milton nodded in agreement. "Then," said Enoch, "let's land Milton and the loose dunnage on this rock, let the boat down, come back and carry Milton round."

. . . The glamour of sun-drenched dust hung over all. Looking more closely, Skag saw nothing but elephant ranks toward the right, and nothing but elephant ranks toward the left; but in the centre, a large area was covered with separate piles of dunnage, evenly distributed.

And out of the snow flurries they saw appear a tall, gaunt form, with whiskers of flying white that blended with the storm, bending under a sixty-pound pack of camp dunnage. "Father Christmas!" was the hail. And then: "Three rousing cheers for Father Christmas!"