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"The Underground Railway," said Dunlap, "knows where Abe is, and will send Sarah along with change of cars. You may go, Sarah.

"The Church has always held it to be a sacred institution." Dr. Dunlap muttered a combination of explosive words which he had probably picked up from sailors, making the churchman cross himself. He spoke out, with a reckless laugh: "I married as soon as I came of age, and here I am, ruined for my prime by that act."

The sorrowing father lifted his eyes to the golden symbol of salvation, and Courtland, standing at the foot of the bed, said, softly: "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." There Are Two Sides to Everything including the wrapper which covers every Grosset & Dunlap book.

Dunlap, "it would be best for us to talk matters over." She caught her breath. What was the matter with this man? Once he had lain at her feet and kissed the hem of her garment. He was hers. She had never relinquished her ownership of him even when her honor had constrained her to live apart from him. Whose could he be but hers? Dr.

It was when the little boy that was I was running after the Dunlap girls that blackness came upon him. All memory there ceases, for Jesse Fancher there ceased, and, as Jesse Fancher, ceased for ever. The form that was Jesse Fancher, the body that was his, being matter and apparitional, like an apparition passed and was not. But the imperishable spirit did not cease.

Lois Dunlap pressed her fingertips into her temples, as if in an effort to remember clearly. "It's rather hard to think of bridge now, Mr. Dundee," she said at last. "But yes, of course I remember! We had finished a rubber and had decided there would be no time for another, since it was so near 5:30 " "That last rubber, please, Mrs. Dunlap," Dundee suggested.

I feel not very sanguine as to its success, still I shall do all in my power to help it on as long as I am here." His forebodings seem to have been justified, for Mr. John S. Cogdell, a sculptor, thus writes of it in later years to Mr. Dunlap:

A resolution signed by Representatives Yearger of Chico county, Dunlap of Phillips and Wilson of Jefferson to allow a representative of the Woman Suffrage Association ten minutes in which to present the reasons for the enfranchisement of women passed and Mrs. Cotnam was introduced, the first woman ever given the privilege of the floor. The vote was 51 in favor, 18 opposed, with 31 absent.

Though so essentially American as a woman, the best of her professional life was passed in England, where she was liberally patronized and fully appreciated. Dunlap calls her an extraordinary woman, and several writers have mentioned her power of judging the character of her visitors, in which she rarely made a mistake, and chose her friends with unusual intelligence.

Social and club life in London and New York, an amateur burglary adventure and a love story. Dramatized under the title of "A Gentleman of Leisure," it furnishes hours of laughter to the play-goers. Grosset & Dunlap, 526 West 26th St., New York B.M. BOWER'S NOVELS Thrilling Western Romances Large 12 mos. Handsomely bound in cloth. Illustrated