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"Oh, that will be so nice. And I am glad that Tom Dunker was wrong. He didn't know about my mother, did he?" "No, dear." "Do you think Captain Josh knows, grandma?" "Why, what makes you think that, Rodney?" "'Cause he was so kind to me to-day. He took my part, and then brought me such a nice lunch." "Brought you a lunch!" Mrs. Royal exclaimed, in surprise. "What do you mean?"

He was thinking of these things as he drew near the store. Behind him lumbered a large wagon, drawn by two horses. Tom Dunker, big and burly, held the reins, and as he caught sight of the little boy ahead, a scowl overspread his heavy face. Sammie had given his version of the fight in which Rod was entirely in the wrong. This his parents believed, and, accordingly, were very angry.

The regiment was ordered to cover its front with skirmishers and to hold its position at all hazards. Ricketts's division had bivouacked in a wood east of Doubleday's. The Confederates opened a rapid artillery fire from the open ground in front of the Dunker Church as well as from Stuart's position, and Hooker answered the challenge by an immediate order for his line to advance.

What I told Mother was that Frau Doktor Dunker was ill, so we had no lesson. Really one ought not to tell lies to an invalid, but this was a pious fraud as Hella's mother always calls anything of the sort, and no one will find out, because Frau Doktor Dunker has nothing to do with the Fourth, so Dora won't hear anything about it.

The Hagerstown turnpike enters the town from the north, passing the Dunker Church a mile out, and goes nearly due south, crossing the Antietam at its mouth, and continuing down the Potomac toward Harper's Ferry. The Antietam is a deep creek, with few fords at an ordinary stage of water, and the principal roads cross it upon stone bridges.

With an ugly oath, the teamster tried to regain his feet, but he was helpless in the grip of the captain's powerful arm. He writhed and cursed, but all in vain, and at length was forced to give up the struggle, and sat panting upon the road completely cowed. By this time several men from the store surrounded the contestants, who watched with much interest the subjection of Tom Dunker.

Hooker astir early The field near the Dunker Church Artillery combat Positions of Hooker's divisions Rocky ledges in the woods Advance of Doubleday through Miller's orchard and garden Enemy's fire from West Wood They rush for Gibbon's battery Repulse Advance of Patrick's brigade Fierce fighting along the turnpike Ricketts's division in the East Wood Fresh effort of Meade's division in the centre A lull in the battle Mansfield's corps reaches the field Conflicting opinions as to the hour Mansfield killed Command devolves on Williams Advance through East Wood Hooker wounded Meade in command of the corps It withdraws Greene's division reaches the Dunker Church Crawford's in the East Wood Terrible effects on the Confederates Sumner's corps coming up Its formation It moves on the Dunker Church from the east Divergence of the divisions Sedgwick's passes to right of Greene Attacked in flank and broken Rallying at the Poffenberger hill Twelfth Corps hanging on near the church Advance of French's division Richardson follows later Bloody Lane reached The Piper house Franklin's corps arrives Charge of Irwin's brigade.

Frau Doktor Dunker is always frightfully excited by his visits, and at the beginning of the lesson she said: "Girls, the Inspector is coming to-day; pull yourselves together; please don't leave me in the lurch." So it must be true what Oswald always says that the inspectors come to inspect the teachers and not the pupils.

So free was the life which Rodney led, that some of the neighbours often shook their heads, and prophesied trouble. "If that boy Rod Royal isn't looked after more'n he is he will come to a bad end, mark my word," Tom Dunker ponderously remarked to his wife one evening. "He's runnin' wild, that's what he is." "Well, what can you expect of a pauper child?" his wife replied. "Oh, I know that, Jane.

The Confederates who now held the open space at the Dunker Church were Hood's two brigades, and the rest of Jackson's corps extended into the West Wood.