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There was also a daughter named Duhsala who was over and above the hundred. And Yuyutsu who was Dhritarashtra's son by a Vaisya wife, was also over and above the hundred. Thou hast now known their names according to the order of their births. All of them were heroes and great car-warriors, and skilled in the art of warfare.

If the ball of flesh was distributed by the great Rishi only into a hundred parts, and if Gandhari did not conceive on any other occasion, how was then Duhsala born. Tell me this, O Rishi! my curiosity hath been great." "Vaisampayana said, 'O descendant of the Pandavas, thy question is just, and I will tell thee how it happened.

And, O king, when the time came, the Kaurava monarch bestowed his daughter Duhsala on Jayadratha, the king of the Sindhus, agreeably to the counsels of Sakuni.

Here, however, is one part in excess of the hundred, intended for giving thee a daughter's son. This part shall develop into an amiable and fortunate daughter, as thou hast desired' Then that great ascetic brought another pot full of clarified butter, and put the part intended for a daughter into it. "Thus have I, O Bharata, narrated unto thee all about the birth of Duhsala.

And, O king, when the time came, the Kaurava monarch bestowed his daughter Duhsala on Jayadratha, the king of the Sindhus, agreeably to the counsels of Sakuni.

Besides these hundred sons, there was a daughter named Duhsala. All were heroes and Atirathas, and were well-skilled in warfare. All were learned in the Vedas, and all kinds of weapons. And, O, king, worthy wives were in time selected for all of them by Dhritarashtra after proper examination. Thou hast also said what their names are, according to the order of their birth.

There was also a daughter named Duhsala who was over and above the hundred. And Yuyutsu who was Dhritarashtra's son by a Vaisya wife, was also over and above the hundred. Thou hast now known their names according to the order of their births. All of them were heroes and great car-warriors, and skilled in the art of warfare.

If the ball of flesh was distributed by the great Rishi only into a hundred parts, and if Gandhari did not conceive on any other occasion, how was then Duhsala born. Tell me this, O Rishi! my curiosity hath been great." "Vaisampayana said, 'O descendant of the Pandavas, thy question is just, and I will tell thee how it happened.

Here, however, is one part in excess of the hundred, intended for giving thee a daughter's son. This part shall develop into an amiable and fortunate daughter, as thou hast desired. Then that great ascetic brought another pot full of clarified butter, and put the part intended for a daughter into it. "Thus have I, O Bharata, narrated unto thee all about the birth of Duhsala.

Besides these hundred sons, there was a daughter named Duhsala. All were heroes and Atirathas, and were well- skilled in warfare. All were learned in the Vedas, and all kinds of weapons. And, O, king, worthy wives were in time selected for all of them by Dhritarashtra after proper examination. Thou hast also said what their names are, according to the order of their birth.