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"Oh, goodness," said she, "of course, as far as you are concerned, Uncle Tom will be pleased. Why shouldn't he? and so will mother. Here you are young and handsome, and well educated, and good, what more could anybody want for a girl, unless they were on the lookout for a ducal coronet or something of that sort?

Lady Jane met her rejected lover at Trouville, and was so gracious to him that he ventured to renew his suit, and, to his delighted surprise, was accepted. Anything was better than standing out in the cold while the ducal engagement was absorbing everybody's thoughts and conversation.

What would one naturally wish to see first in Venice? The Bridge of Sighs, of course and next the Church and the Great Square of St. Mark, the Bronze Horses, and the famous Lion of St. Mark. We intended to go to the Bridge of Sighs, but happened into the Ducal Palace first a building which necessarily figures largely in Venetian poetry and tradition.

The Lord Montagu, Warwick's brother, to whom the king had granted the forfeit title and estates of the earls of Northumberland, distinguished his own retainers, however, by the special request of the ancient Montagus. a Gryphon issuant from a ducal crown.

In the outlay for the necessities and the luxuries of the peripatetic ducal court, the expenditures were lavish, and in the temporary commercial activity enjoyed by the merchants, the fact that the burghers' own contributions to this luxury were heavy, passed into temporary oblivion. This autumn visit of Philip the Good to Dijon was more significant than usual.

Sometimes the circle is entirely pierced; at other times it is merely suggested by a mosaic or light tracery on the wall surface, as in the plate opposite, which is one of the spandrils of the Ducal Palace at Venice. It was evidently intended that all the spandrils of this building should be decorated in this manner, but only two of them seem to have been completed.

Here the seal was large and black, with the D cipher; there it was small and red, with the ducal arms of the S family. Here the address, to the Minister, was diminutive and feminine; there the superscription, to a certain royal personage, was markedly bold and decided; the size alone formed a point of correspondence.

Then she sat down behind her bar and resumed her perusal of a novel called The Duke's Duchesses, or The Milliner's Mystery, which contained a ducal hero with bigamistic proclivities, and a virtuous milliner whom the aforesaid duke persecuted. All of which was very entertaining and improbable, and gave Miss Twexby much pleasure, judging from the sympathetic sighs she was heaving.

Embarrassment of Louis Philippe. Indecision. The pressure of events. Interview between the baron and the banker. Plan of the Legitimists. Anxiety of Lafayette. Danger of anarchy. Orleanist proclamation. Activity of the Legitimists. Attempts at compromise. Fears of the Orleanists. Singular interview. Agitation of the ducal family. Strange crisis of affairs. Appalling rumor. The ultra Democrats.

To make the reader understand how I managed to escape from a place like the Leads, I must explain the nature of the locality. The Leads, used for the confinement of state prisoners, are in fact the lofts of the ducal palace, and take their name from the large plates of lead with which the roof is covered.