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Then, dropping to the ground again with puffed-out, defiant tail, he trotted on into the undergrowth angry and unafraid. Arrived at Ranga Duar the brother and sister exclaimed in admiration at the beauty of the lonely outpost nestling in the bosom of the hills.

From her brother she learned by chance that he was alone in Ranga Duar, the only news that she had had of him for a long time.

I came across India by myself to get here; and surely I'll be able to manage to do a twenty-four hours' journey alone." "Very well, dear," he replied with an inward, unacknowledged feeling of relief that the decisive step had not to be taken yet. "I'll come down from Ranga Duar with an elephant to meet you at the railway station when you arrive.

"What I am concerned about is how to get something substantial to eat, for I foolishly came away from Granger's bungalow, where I stayed last night, without replenishing my stores, which had run low. I intended asking you for enough to carry me back to Ranga Duar. But when I heard what had happened Hullo! with luck there's our dinner."

The watching mahouts and coolies nodded and whispered to each other at this, but Ramnath appeared to regard the relations between his elephant and the sahib as perfectly natural. Dermot shouldered his rifle and started off on the long and weary climb to Ranga Duar. When he reached the parade ground he found the men of the detachment falling out after their morning drill.

Long as was the way for forty miles of jungle paths lay between Malpura and Ranga Duar the journey seemed all too short for Noreen. But it came to an end at last, and they arrived at the garden as the sun set and Kinchinjunga's fairy white towers and spires hung high in air for a space of time tantalisingly brief.

The upflung spray and leaping waves hid the herd from the fugitives as they clung desperately to the ropes and to each other. Eighteen months had gone by. In the garden of the Political Agent's bungalow in Ranga Duar Colonel Dermot, completely restored to health, and his wife stood with his Assistant, Major Hunt and Macdonald. They were watching Mrs.

Yet now he sat in his little stone bungalow in Ranga Duar, while the terrific thunder crashed and roared among the hills, and read with a pleased smile an official letter ordering him to proceed forthwith to Darjeeling as gay a pleasure colony as any to meet the General Commanding the Division, who was visiting the place on inspection duty.

"I always knew he was a cruel devil; but I didn't think he was quite such a brute. And to poor old Badshah too. It's a damned shame". "He's a good elephant, isn't he?" asked the senior. "A ripper. Splendid to shoot from and absolutely staunch to tiger," said the subaltern enthusiastically. "Major Smith our Commandant before you, sir was charged by a tiger he had wounded in a beat near Alipur Duar.

Christmas came; and with its coming Ranga Duar woke again to life. Besides the Bensons and Carter, who now brought his wife, Mrs. Dermot's brother a subaltern in an Indian cavalry regiment and five planters, old friends of his from the district in which he had once been a planter himself, came to spend Christmas in the small station.