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Bht hwhat, ye goggling, bow-windowed jackass? Go get the wine, and we'll dthrink it together, my old buck. Mr. Perkins. My name, sir, is PERKINS. The Mulligan. Well, that rhymes with jerkins, my man of firkins; so don't let us have any more shirkings and lurkings, Mr. Perkins. Mr. Sir, I am the master of this house; and I order you to quit it. I'll not be insulted, sir.

So, as I was sayin', the ould squire used to come down out of the frame, where his picthur was hung up, and to break the bottles and glasses God be marciful to us all an' dthrink all he could come at an' small blame to him for that same; and then if any of the family id be comin' in, he id be up again in his place, looking as quite an' as innocent as if he didn't know anything about it the mischievous ould chap.

"'Twas he was the boy didn't fail, That tuck down pataties and mail; He never would shrink From any sthrong dthrink, Was it whisky or Drogheda ale; I'm bail This Larry would swallow a pail. "Oh, many a night at the bowl, With Larry I've sot cheek by jowl; He's gone to his rest, Where there's dthrink of the best, And so let us give his old sowl A howl, For twas he made the noggin to rowl."

By the holy piper, fighting is like mate and dthrink to Ga -to Bobbachy, I mane whoop! come on, you divvle, and I'll bate the skin off your ugly bones."

If you want news about Miss Fanny, you must ask at the Doctor's shop, sir, not of an old fiddler like me Good-bye, sir. There's my patient calling." And a voice was heard from the Captain's bedroom, a well-known voice, which said, "I'd loike a dthrop of dthrink, Bows, I'm thirstee."

Having been answered in the affirmative, he then proceeded to ask whether there was a blackguard boy in the house who would take "the horse to the steeble;" whether "he could have a dthrink of small-beer or buthermilk, being, faith, uncommon dthry;" and whether, finally, "he could be feevored with a few minutes' private conversation with her and Mr.

If you want news about Miss Fanny, you must ask at the doctor's shop, sir, not of an old fiddler like me Good-by, sir. There's my patient calling." And a voice was heard from the captain's bedroom, a well-known voice, which said, "I'd loike a dthrop of dthrink, Bows, I'm thirstee."

I am ready to fight one, two, three, or twenty of them, at broad-sword, small-sword, single-stick, with fists if you please. By the holy piper, fighting is like mate and dthrink to Ga to Bobbachy, I mane whoop! come on, you divvle, and I'll bate the skin off your ugly bones."