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So I vill take von leedle boat and I put dtherein Madame Steele and Señorita; if any people try to growd in, I hold dthem back; if any inseest, I shoot dthem dead, and safe Señorita." "Very humane of you. Señor Noma," I call out suddenly, as that fiery gentleman is passing by, "I want to hear how heroic you were last night."

Steele remarks, as we sit down, noticing one of tortoise shell quaintly carved. "You like it?" is all the Baron says, and coolly puts it in his pocket. Mrs. Steele is aghast. "I pay dthem," he says unconcernedly. "Haf leedle salade?" I have finished first and go out to the platform.

"Ah, but really," I say, "I must taste a plaintain; suppose you had never seen one of that kind before." "I vill not buy dthem; I vill not see you ill," he says. "Very well, I'll buy one for myself." I drop his arm and run to the booth, and, laying my finger on the greenest plantain I can find, I say: "Quantos?"

"Ve haf more barancas if you like dthem." "Oh, Guillermo," I say, "please let me go in!" "Not for my sake! I can hold you here von hour vidth dthese 'gude-for-nodthing' hands." "Oh, I don't doubt it; you're the strongest man I ever knew, but I don't like barancas. Please, please, Guillermo!"

Dthey say dthe jackrabbeet and dthe sheep have dthe most leetle sesos how you call dthem brain-es? Ah don't believe dthat, Don Samuel escuse me. Ah dthink people w'at don't keep esmokin' tobacco, dthey bot you weel escuse me, Don Samuel." "Now, what's the use of chewin' the rag, boys," said the untroubled Sam, stooping over to rub the toes of his shoes with a red-and-yellow handkerchief.

The rugged wilderness of the Cordilleras hems us in on every side. "Dthose air yust the zame mountains I look on from my home in Peru; it ees von chain from Tierra del Fuego to Mexico," and a look of welcome comes into the handsome face. "It ees four years since I zee dthose Cordilleras. I am glad I am near dthem vonce more.

"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be!" sings the choir, and Miss Rogers' clear voice lingers in the "Amen." As I walk the deck with the Baron that evening he tells me about his lovely sister, "Alvida," and about Peruvian customs. "My sister ees dthe most beautiful voman in Peru; she haf many suitors, but she ees nefer allow to see dthem except when dthe family air vidth her.

Dthey say dthe jackrabbeet and dthe sheep have dthe most leetle /sesos/ how you call dthem brain-es? Ah don't believe dthat, Don Samuel escuse me. Ah dthink people w'at don't keep esmokin' tobacco, dthey bot you weel escuse me, Don Samuel." "Now, what's the use of chewin' the rag, boys," said the untroubled Sam, stooping over to rub the toes of his shoes with a red-and-yellow handkerchief.

Steele, "I regret we did not omit something else, and take time to get photographs." "It's not too late," our hostess says. "Oh, no," the Baron interposes. "I go now to get dthem. I vas dthinking if Madame vould like Señorita to choose them." "No; Blanche does seem a little tired. I couldn't let her go.

"Oh, nodthing much," says the Baron in his usual low and gentle tone; "I only zay if dthey effer come again I vill cut dthem up vidth a big knife and haf dthem boil for breakfast." "You barbarian!" laughs Mrs. Steele, rising. And then she looks about. "We might have a glimpse of the church before we go if there's time."