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One at a time they carried the unconscious men to the forecastle; then the crew mustered aft at another thundering summons, and listened to a forceful speech by Captain Bacon, delivered in quick, incisive epigrams, to the effect that if a man aboard his ship whether he believed himself shipped or shanghaied, a sailor, a priest, a policeman, or a dry-nurse showed the slightest hesitation at obeying orders, or the slightest resentment at what was said to him, he would be punished with fists, brass knuckles, belaying-pins, or handspikes, the officers were here for that purpose, and if he persisted, he would be shot like a mad dog.

I felt excessively proud when I first walked the deck of the prize as officer of the watch, though that fellow Snookes would declare that the old quartermaster who kept it with me was my dry-nurse, and that I was a mere make-believe.

"Please, sir, what am I to do about prep.? They've broken the desk you told me to sit at, and the form's just swimming with ink." "Find another seat find another seat. D'you expect me to dry-nurse you? I wish to know whether you are in the habit of advancing money to your associates, Beetle?" "No, sir; not as a general rule, sir." "It is a most reprehensible habit.

Englishman. Why, then, he is an old dog, that's all I can say; and pray are you to obey your dry-nurse too, this same, and what's his name Mr. Harte? Stanhope. Yes. Englishman. So he stuffs you all morning with Greek, and Latin, and Logic, and all that.

We would not, Eusebius, have all their wrongs righted so lovely is the moral beauty of their wonderful patience in enduring them. What if they were in a condition to legislate and impose upon us some of their burdens, or divide them with us? What man of your acquaintance could turn dry-nurse tend even his own babes twelve hours out of the twenty-four?

Egad I have a dry-nurse too, but I never looked into a book with him in my life; I have not so much as seen the face of him this week, and don't care a louse if I never see it again. Stanhope. My dry-nurse never desires anything of me that is not reasonable, and for my own good; and therefore I like to be with him. Englishman.

But it seemed to me that the Greenwich pensioners are the petted children of the nation, and that the government is their dry-nurse, and that the old men themselves have a childlike consciousness of their position.

At last, however, she relented, and concluded to remain on earth as dry-nurse to Mr. Bassett. Sir Charles did not approve this: it seemed unreasonable to turn a wet-nurse into a dry-nurse when that office was already occupied by a person her senior and more experienced.

This melancholy reflection is thrown in here in order to make dog-days seem cheerful in comparison. One of the minor pleasures of life is that of controlling vegetable activity and aggressions with the pruning-knife. Vigorous and rapid growth is, however, a necessity to the sport. To prune feeble plants and shrubs is like acting the part of dry-nurse to a sickly orphan.

"Well, there's plenty of water alongside, as far as the outward man goes, and iron dust is soon brushed off. However, as you say, perhaps a little too much is expected; at least, in five of the ships in which I was first-lieutenant, the captain was always hauling me over the coals about the midshipmen not dressing properly, as if I was their dry-nurse.