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"Killing his faither?" said the baker, with a quick look. "What do you mean?" "Mean? Ou, I just mean what the doctor says! Gourlay was that mad at the drucken young swine that he got the 'plexies, fell aff the ladder, and felled himsell deid! That's what I mean, no less!" said Toddle, nettled at the sharp question. "Ay, man! That accounts for't," said Tam Wylie.

The twa women were obliged to carry the drunk lump to his bedroom and yon lassie far ga'en in consumption, too, they tell me! Ou, he was in a perfectly awful condition perfectly awful!" "Ay, man," nodded Brodie. "I hadna heard o't. Curious that I didna hear o' that!" "It was Drucken Wabster's wife that telled it. There's not a haet that happens at the Gourlays but she clypes.

I'm shure I'm no complainin', but Sandy Bowden's been an unsatisfaktory man in mony weys; but, as the Bible says, we've a' a dwang o' some kind, an' if I hadna gotten Sandy, weel, I michta haen a drucken son, or a licht-heided dauchter. Wha can tell? We've a' a hankie mair than we deserve, nae doot. I ken I have onywey; but that's nether here nor there.

I gave Isaac a dram to kep his heart up, and he sung and leuch as if he had been boozing with some of his drucken cronies; for feint a hair cared he about auld kirkyards, or vouts, or dead folk in their winding-sheets, with the wet grass growing over them. Then, although I tried to stop him, he began to tell stories of Eirish ressurrectioners, and ghaists, seen in the kirkyard at midnight.

Galbraith says there's as muckle drink drucken in Poosie Nancie's on Seterday nicht as in Johnnie Shields' in the Wynd, but some way it seems different. Look, see, thonder's the big gate o' Bourhill. Eh, I wonder if Miss Gladys is hame? 'I say, Teen, ye are very fond o' her, surely? said Liz curiously. 'Since when? Ye didna like her sae weel that nicht I left ye to tak' her hame frae the Ariel.

"Your honour," said Alison Breck, who was next in age to the deceased, "suld send doun something to us for keeping up our hearts at the lykewake, for a' Saunders's gin, puir man, was drucken out at the burial o' Steenie, and we'll no get mony to sit dry-lipped aside the corpse.

Neither will it exact such extensive toleration as that of the old Aberdeen laird's wife, who, when her sister lairdesses were enriching the tea-table conversation with broad descriptions of the abominable vices of their several spouses, said her own "was just a gueed, weel-tempered, couthy, queat, innocent, daedlin, drucken body wi' nae ill practices aboot him ava!"

"No doubt! no doubt! seeing he's a crony of yours," laughed the factor in mighty scorn. "A canting, prayer meeting rascal!" he added. "Is that ony waur nor a drucken elyer o' the kirk?" cried Dubs from the other side of the ditch, raising a roar of laughter. The very purple forsook the factor's face, and left it a corpse-like grey in the fire of his fury.

"What's this 'expelled' is, now?" said John Toodle, with a very considering look and tone in his uplifted face "properly speaking, that is," he added, implying that of course he knew the word in its ordinary sense, but was not sure of it "properly speaking." "Flung oot," said Drucken Wabster, speaking from the fullness of his own experience. "Whisht!" said a third. "Here's Tam Brodie.

Sae, allooin' the thing maun be, ye'll hae till alloo likewise, an' it's a trouth I'm tellin' ye, sir, 'at it's o' nae sma' consequence to the toon 'at the drucken craturs sud fill themsels wi' dacency an' that's what I see till.