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Peter was a sour-visaged, gray-headed old man, who wore horn-rimmed spectacles. He was sitting cross-legged on his bench when Rob entered. 'Peter, will ye lend me your boat? 'I will not. 'Why will ye no lend me the boat? 'Do I want it sunk, as ye sunk that boat the other day? Go away with ye. Ye're an idle lot, you MacNicols. Ye'll be drooned some day.

Ay, we watched oor lane, the dogs and me, and his whip was forked lightning, and his voice drooned the roar o' the gale." I felt a grue slither through me when the man stopped, for his harsh voice intoned his words like some dreadful chant.

I thankit Providence for the day, for it was better to tak the lang miles back in sic a sun than in a blast o' rain. But as I lookit I saw some folk comin' up frae the beach carryin' something atween them. My hert gied a loup, and "some puir, drooned sailor-body," says I to mysel', "whae has perished in yesterday's storm."

"Never saw it so bad; yet it's only comin' on. "Guess you'll ha'e to stop wi' us the night, George." " And welcome," put in his good lady. "There's always a spare bed for George Bremner in this house. Eh! Andrew." "Ay, ay!" remarked the old man, reflectively. "We're no' havin' ye drooned goin' away frae this place, that I'm tellin' ye." Like me, Rita was a child of stress and storm.

There's no a burn in the South I dinna ken, and I never cam to the water I couldna ford." "No?" said I. "I've seen you at the ford o' Clachlands in the Lammas floods." "Often I've been there," he went on, speaking like one calling up vague memories. "Yince, when Tam Rorison was drooned, honest man.

There's a muckle ship gaun ashore on the reef, and the puir folks are a' yammerin' and ca'in' for help and I doobt they'll a' be drooned. Oh, Maister M'Vittie, come doun!" "Hold your tongue, you hag!" I shouted back in a passion. "What is it to you whether they are drowned or not? Get back to your bed and leave me alone." I turned in again and drew the blankets over me.

"Gin I hadna jist gotten a glimp o' him in time, he wad hae drooned the bonny infant afore my verra een. It's weel waured on them!" It did not occur to her that a wet skin was so very moderate a punishment for child-murder, that possibly there had been no connection between them.

"No' baith o' the lasses," he added, correcting himself, "for the faither managed to git ane o' them off by a bribe o' a hundred pounds an' that's every bodle that he owns." "Which is to be drooned?" asked Quentin in a low voice. "Marget the auldest." A deep groan burst from the shepherd as the Bible fell from his hands.

It was sae wi' Davy; for the first neebor who, hearin' his cries for assistance, ran to the spot, found him standin i' the middle o' the brig, perfectly sober, wi' the drooned boy in his arms; although it was weel kenned that he was quite drunk when he left the village.

Rosalie had drooned Thackeray to the old lady until both of them were dozing, and it was indeed a welcome relief that came with Roscoe's resounding thumps on the front door. Mrs. Luce was too old to be frightened out of a year's growth, but it is perfectly safe to agree with her that the noise cost her at least three months.