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Petulengro; 'one of those whom we call Boro drom engroes, and the gorgios highway-men. I once heard a rye say that the life of that man would fetch much money; so come to the other side of the hill, and write the lil in the tent of Jasper and his wife Pakomovna. At first I felt inclined to accept the invitation of Mr. Petulengro; a little consideration, however, determined me to decline it.

There were present, besides Percival, State Treasurer Landover, Chief Justice Malone, Minister of War Platt, Minister of Marine Mott, Minister of Agriculture Pedro Drom, State Clerk Flattner, Surgeon General Cullen, Lord High Sheriff Shay, and the following members of the Executive Council: Snipe, Block, Jones, Fitts, Knapendyke, Calkins, Ruiz' and Alvara.

‘Jemmy Abershaw,’ said Mr. Petulengro; ‘one of those whom we call Boro drom engroes, and the gorgios highwaymen. I once heard a rye say that the life of that man would fetch much money; so come to the other side of the hill, and write the lil in the tent of Jasper and his wife Pakomovna.’ At first I felt inclined to accept the invitation of Mr.

"None of your chaffing, young fellow," said the tall girl, "or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it." "Well, perhaps I was a peg too high," said I; "I ask your pardon here's something a bit lower: 'As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi "

‘None of your chaffing, young fellow,’ said the tall girl, ‘or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it.’ ‘Well, perhaps I was a peg too high,’ said I; ‘I ask your pardonhere’s something a bit lower:— As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi—’

'None of your chaffing, young fellow, said the tall girl, 'or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it. 'Well, perhaps I was a peg too high, said I; 'I ask your pardon here's something a bit lower: As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi

Mr Borrow has told us that a TANNER or sixpence, sometimes called a Downer, owes its pseudonym to the Gipsy word tawno or tano, meaning "little" the sixpence being the little coin as compared with a shilling. DRUM or DROM, is the common English Gipsy word for a road. In English slang it is applied, not only to highways, but also to houses.