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But this young American who lived in the Quartier was at the same time on a footing of intimacy in the exclusive home of those so charming Hemingways, who were, one knew, of the grand monde. Was it true that the American painter was very wealthy? Yes? Ah, cièl! That droll young man was then amusing himself by living in the Quartier? But what an original! His family approved? He was an orphan?

I had a remarkably good opportunity to make the acquaintance of this youngster the white-bellied swallow. There were dozens of them, and the half grown trees were their chosen perches. The droll little fellows, with white fluffy breasts, no feet to speak of, and "Built so narrow Like the head of an arrow To cut the air," did not even notice me in my nook under the pines.

"So much the better," said the duke, "for many droll things cannot be said in few words; but not to lose time in talking, come, great Knight of the Rueful Countenance-" "Of the Lions, your highness must say," said Sancho, "for there is no Rueful Countenance nor any such character now."

There was a band of collegians in little capes and short trousers taking their walk; they wore buckled shoes, like the abbes of olden times, and nothing could be more droll than to see these childish priests play leapfrog. There, upon the Riva dei Schiavoni, he had followed a Venetian. "Shabbily dressed, and fancy, my friend, bare-headed, in a yellow shawl with ragged green fringe!

And you, Kit?" "Oh, I was back in the convent with my nuns, and Sister Flora was trying to teach me English grammar in good French, and I was correcting her in bad French, and she begins to laugh because it is all so droll.

Fortunately the story was The Constant Tin Soldier, which is droll, you know, so I could laugh, and I did, though I didn't understand half he read, for I couldn't help it, he was so earnest, I so excited, and the whole thing so comical.

In his retirement he was now comforted, if one can be so comforted, by these memories, still fresh in his mind and by the hope possibly for his own future, as well as by a droll humor with which he was wont to select the sharpest and most willful slur upon his unimpeachable conduct as an offering to public curiosity.

For it got abroad, as such tales will, and was put into a right droll ballad which, I warrant you, the four outlaws did not like to hear. "I dwell by dale and down," quoth he, "And Robin to take I'm sworn; And when I am called by my right name, I am Guy of good Gisborne."

"Thou droll knave!" cried Zephoranim at last, dashing away the drops his merriment had brought into his eyes "Wilt kill me with thy bitter-mouthed jests? ... of a truth my sides ache at thee! What ails thee now? ... Come, we will have patience, if so be our mirth can be restrained, speak! what flaw canst thou find in our Sah-luma's pearl of poesy? what spots on the sun of his divine inspiration?

Her glance followed me inquiringly, but I forestalled her question. "Mademoiselle," I observed, "was pointing out that she found something droll in the situation." "And is it not droll you should have changed him?" she inquired, and yet I thought she looked around uneasily. "You have, Monsieur. He was cautious before this. He foresaw everything. He was willing to risk nothing.