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This La Queue was seigneur of the place of which he bore the name, distant six leagues from Versailles, and as much from Dreux. He had married a girl that the King had had by a gardener's wife. Bontems, the confidential valet of the King, had brought about the marriage without declaring the names of the father or the mother of the girl; but La Queue knew it, and promised himself a fortune.

Meantime he returned to the siege of Dreux, made an assault on the place, was repulsed, and then hung nine prisoners of war in full sight of the garrison as a punishment for their temerity in resisting him.

"He appeared so good, and expressed his sympathy so kindly for poor creatures like me, who can neither read nor write." "One thing is evident, my dear Mariette, he certainly deceived you." "But did you receive my letter at Dreux?" "It must have reached that city after I had left it," he said, unwilling to admit that it had been addressed to Paris.

After the battle of Dreux he was bearer of a message from the Lord of Soubise to Admiral de Coligny, to whom he gave an account of the situation of the Reformers in Dauphiny and in Lyonness. His report no doubt interested the admiral, who gave him twenty crowns to go and play spy in the camp of the Duke of Guise, and, some days later, a hundred crowns to buy a horse.

On this more and more frequented road, the masculine element displayed different costumes, according to the age and tastes of each rider. The young men appeared in careless array: leggins, short coats, and small caps. The older men, faithful to early traditions, wore long trousers, buttoned-up redingotes, and tall hats, like those worn by their fathers, as shown in the pictures by Alfred de Dreux.

On the next morning but one they set off again on their travels, and slept that night at Louviers. Another long day's journey brought them to Evreux. On the 27th they came to Dreux, on the 28th to Chartres, and on the 29th to Chateaudun. On the 30th, having started an hour before sunrise, they were enabled after a toilsome journey to reach Blois at an hour after dark.

"You can't guess it!" he exclaimed, when they were seated. "And what's more, I won't try. You're getting too mysterious, Bernie." "I've found him." "Whom?" "The bell-cow; the boss dago; the chief head-hunter; Belisario Cardi!" Blake started and the smile died from his lips. Dreux ran on with some heat: "Oh, don't look so skeptical.

"The Dreux Battalion bore a conspicuous part in all the operations of this campaign." Later, the battalion went into winter quarters.

Her first book, A Rhyming Chronicle of Incidents and Feelings, was published in 1850, when she was twenty, and a novel, Allerton and Dreux, in 1851; nine years later her Tales of Orris. But her fame came at thirty-three, when her first full book of Poems was published in 1863. This was dedicated to a much loved brother, George K. Ingelow: The press everywhere gave flattering notices.

After that he spoke no more. Francis I, the gallant, art-loving monarch, the father of the Renaissance in France, was dead. In 1562, Catherine de Médici, accompanied by her son Charles IX, here awaited the results of the momentous battle of Dreux.