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Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that in all this madness and absurdity there yet lies something that is hidden from view, something that is in accordance with, or a reflection of the profound wisdom that has been mentioned. It requires this kind of dressing-up for the great brute masses.

"Early," said Keraunus, smiling. "My stomach says the contrary. The sun is already high, and I have not yet had my porridge." "Make the old woman cook it." "No, no, my child you must get up. Have you forgotten whom you are to represent? And my hair is to be curled, and the prefect's wife, and then your dress." "Very well go; I do not care the least bit about Roxana and all the dressing-up."

Among others, a sort of undecided thing like part of a wig, which Miss Blake wears on Sundays. Jane, our housemaid, says it is called a "transformation," and that duchesses wear them. We had to be very secret about the dressing-up that night, and to put Blakie's things all back when they had been tried on. Dora did Alice's hair.

Go and look at yourself in the glass." The words were spoken in all sincerity and to help forward any absurd "dressing-up" amusement that the children might take into their minds. But the young savage has a keen sense of the ludicrous.

Carol's family were self-sufficient in their inventive life, with Christmas a rite full of surprises and tenderness, and "dressing-up parties" spontaneous and joyously absurd.

"Do it to please me, even if you think it makes you look queer, will you, Joan?" "Of course," she smiled, looking up from the gleaming, sliding stuff into his face. "I'd like to, anyway. Dressing-up that's fun." And she shut the door. She spread the silk out on the bed and found it a loose robe of dull blue, embroidered in silver dragons and lined with brilliant rose.

In the Middle Ages evil was spoken of plainly as in Scripture; there was no blinking of facts, no dressing-up of vice to make it look like virtue, and consequently much "bowdlerising" was necessary before Malory's outspoken language should be sufficiently veiled to suit the susceptibilities, to which we have a perfect and legitimate right in so far as they are genuine, and no cloak for an hypocrisy that delights in the loathsome indecencies and disgusting suggestiveness of the modern problem novel.

Jones that "there was no telling what would keep children out of mischief," for that I "never seemed to be tired of that old black rag and that ridiculous face." But it was not the dressing-up that pleased me day after day, it was the chance of finding dead bodies with no friends to bury them.

We were so interested in listening to mother and in looking at the ladies, particularly the golden-haired one, that we quite forgot what queer figures we were, till the young lady turned towards us. "These are your little children," she said, with a smile a rather sad smile to mother. "They are playing at dressing-up, I see."

Bill jerked the reins, and the piebald pony set off at a weary trot. "Yes, missie, I am the clown," he said. "Where's your nose?" asked Humpty suspiciously. "One's on my face t'other's in the dressing-up box," answered the man, with a shout of laughter. "Then you're not Poor Jane's brother?" said Dumpty.