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The ceremony over, he held out his arms to her and she slipped into them as if that moment were the one she had been waiting for ever since the white morning looked into the window of the lavender dressing-room on Morningside Heights, and found her awake and quite cold with the excitement of thinking of what the day was to bring forth.

Returning to her dressing-room, she found that Evan had faithfully kept his engagement; he was on the exact spot where she had left him. Caroline came to him swiftly, and put her hand to his forehead that she might the better peruse his features, saying, in her mellow caressing voice: 'What is this, dear Van, that you will do? Why do you look so wretched? 'Has not Louisa told you?

We have said, that Florine, yielding too late to a generous repentance, had reached Mother Bunch's apartment, just as the latter quitted the house in consternation. Perceiving a light in the dressing-room, the waiting-maid hastened thither.

Besides two spacious bed-chambers and a dressing-room, munificent Lord Carrington would insist upon our having a sitting-room to ourselves, and we have one that is delightful: windows down to the ground, and prospect dark woods and river, so pretty that I can scarcely mind what I am saying to you. Yesterday arrived a Mr.

Dress as quickly as you can, and if there be no maid in the dressing-room, lock up your street clothing and keep your key.

He was toying with the idea of making a jaunt on his own account to Thibet, when a merciful Providence gave him something definite to think about. It was Saturday morning. I was shaving peacefully in my dressing-room when Jaffery, after thunderously demanding admittance, rushed in, clad in bath gown and slippers, flourishing a letter. "Read that." I recognised Liosha's handwriting.

"He'll cry himself to sleep"; and they fell to talking about the opera. Mr. Rawdon Crawley had stolen off, however, to look after his son and heir; and came back to the company when he found that honest Dolly was consoling the child. The Colonel's dressing-room was in those upper regions. He used to see the boy there in private.

I had been lying awake like this for more than an hour, when I heard the door of Milly's dressing-room which was close to my door closed softly; and with a nervous quickness to take alarm I sprang up, and went out into the corridor, thinking that Susan was coming to summon me. I found myself face to face, not with Susan Dodd, but with Mrs. Darrell.

He's not in the house now, for he could only be in your lordship's bedroom or dressing-room, and we have searched every inch of both." Lord Thornaby turned to us when the inspector had retreated, caressing his peaked cap. "I told him to clear up these points first," he explained, jerking his head toward the door. "I had reason to think my man had been neglecting his duties up there.

They examined her dresses, the linen, the dressing-room; and her whole existence to its most intimate details, was, like a corpse on whom a post-mortem is made, outspread before the eyes of these three men. Maitre Hareng, buttoned up in his thin black coat, wearing a white choker and very tight foot-straps, repeated from time to time "Allow me, madame. You allow me?" Often he uttered exclamations.