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So one day she was stealing across the yard, with a starched dressing-jacket of her mistress's carefully poised on her outspread fingers ... some one suddenly grasped her vigorously by the elbow; she turned round and fairly screamed; behind her stood Gerasim. With a foolish smile, making inarticulate caressing grunts, he held out to her a gingerbread cock with gold tinsel on his tail and wings.

I had taken possession of a dressing-jacket of the lieutenant's, and some other articles of his wardrobe, which fitted me pretty well; and, I flatter myself, was no ungentlemanlike figure. 'Good-morrow, Corporal, said the doctor, rather gruffly, in reply to my smiling salute. 'Corporal! Lieutenant, if you please, answered I, giving an arch look at Lischen, whom I had instructed in my plot.

She always wore a white cap and a white dressing-jacket. "What's the matter with you?" she asked Marya Dmitrievna suddenly. "What are you sighing about, pray?" "Nothing," answered the latter. "What exquisite clouds!" "You feel sorry for them, eh?" Marya Dmitrievna made no reply. "Why is it Gedeonovsky does not come?" observed Marfa Timofyevna, moving her knitting needles quickly.

She took off the lace collar and pretty bead necklace which gave an air of lightness to her plain dark dress, wrapped a dressing-jacket round her shoulders, and dipped her head deep into a basin of water. Then with a comb the wet hair was parted accurately in the centre, and brushed to the ears till it had the air of being painted rather than real, so smooth and plastered was the effect.

Suddenly a terrible apparition flashed upon his eyes: Varvara Petrovna in such weather and at such an unexpected hour to see him! And on foot! He was so astounded that he forgot to put on his coat, and received her as he was, in his everlasting pink-wadded dressing-jacket. "Ma bonne amie!" he cried faintly, to greet her. "You're alone; I'm glad; I can't endure your friends. How you do smoke!

The unknown, fair or dark, would certainly have her hair down and be wearing a white dressing-jacket; she would be panic-stricken by the light, would be fearfully confused, and would say: "For God's sake, what are you doing! Put it out!" It would all be dreadful, but interesting and new.

"I haven't had much experience, but I should think they would be encouraged, as a ward decoration! I hope so, I'm sure, for I mean to present you with a duck of a dressing-jacket!" "Oh, nothing more, Claire; don't give me anything more. I shall never be able to pay you back," cried Sophie; then, in a voice of poignant suffering, she cried sharply, "Oh, Claire, my little sister!

A door concealed behind a curtain had just opened to give passage to a merry little head with fair curls in disorder, quite fairy-like amid the laces and frills of a dressing-jacket worthy of a princess: "What do I hear? You have not gone out? But do scold him, doctor. He is wrong, isn't he, to have so many fancies about himself? Look at him a picture of health!"

Edward Henry sat down quite close to Sir John. He could discern all the details of Sir John's face and costume. The tremendous celebrity was wearing a lounge-suit somewhat like his own, but instead of the coat he had a blue dressing-jacket with crimson facings; the sleeves ended in rather long wristbands, which were unfastened, the opal cuff-links drooping each from a single hole.

Agnes laughed the sort of a laugh that always made him want to catch hold of her, but if he had any intentions in that respect they were interfered with just now by Uncle Dan, who strolled into the parlor in his dressing-jacket and with a cigar tilted in the corner of his mouth. "How's the Commercial Board of Strategy coming on?" he inquired as he offered Bobby a cigar.