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A man I know ran across the place once and tried for a year to buy it. But the lady has ideas of her own." "Well, if you wish to give him a hint or two about how to do things, watch me. If you don't spend two weeks in your dream-castle, I will cut the crowd and sail for home." He secured the name of the owner, and found that Pettingill had even a remote idea of the address of her agent.

For her face was grey and her lips bloodless and from her eyes looked despair. Howard glanced away instantly. With rude hand he had suddenly toppled into the dust this child's dream-castle of love and happiness which he had himself helped her build. He felt like a criminal. But partly from a sense of duty, chiefly from the cowardice of self-preservation, he made no effort to lighten her suffering.

The glory of this girl had begun, days past, to spread its glamour round him. Swept irresistibly away now, he soared aloft in a dream-castle of fancy with its painted windows and golden walls.

Her deep voice just at my ear startled me. "Well, Mr. Canby," she said softly. "Your dream-castle totters." I glanced up at her quickly, but she still smiled. "It has fallen," I groaned. "No not yet," still cheerfully. She paused a moment, and, leaning her elbows on the balustrade, looked out down the valley. "All will be well," she said at last slowly. Our glances met.